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G21 Face to face Doppel fight.

Mabinogi Rep: 575
Posts: 14
in Help
I wanted to share my strat to this fight, many on the forum think it´s almost imposible for chars of lv 5000 and below who can´t oneshot or stack up more dmg thant the enemy reg rate, but i finded a more easy way that was pointed out in another thread, and that was that this in a sense it´s like g1 glas battle, now sadly im not an elf nor a human so what choices do i have?.
In my personal case anju´s shuriken has a rate of 5 to 100% injury rate and since i main str and will from martial arts and warrior i pretty mutch deduced this was my best shot, so what i did was fairly simple, first and foremost destroy all the other copyes to eliminate doppel´s dmg mitigation and crit negation, remember to hit the dark orbs when those show a mass of darkkness or doppel will spawn more copies, use bone dragon debuf and stack it whit any other debuff in my case martial arts soryuken (upercut XD), then using your choice of high injury weapon start to smash it since most high injury weapons can´t be used whit bash but if you have it then use it, and to eliminate the anoying combo interruption from dopel alche skill use demi-god Morrighan´s shield or a high def pet whit soul link since those skill hardly do dmg and are more to anoy you.
So far so good but once dopel hit below 50% it will use demi-god skill Cichol´s darkkness and that will rekt you, but don´t fear. Avoiding this is really simple, you use morrighan shield to tank it or use ninja hide till the orbs turn off or hit them before dopel lunchs the atack.
whit this i beated the boss being my total 4435 i Hope this helps other milletian on their quest to total baddasery my name it´s Anakym and i never reject a good adventure add me if you want XD see ya!!

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  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    as a chainblade user for this fight chain sweep could take out all the dopplegangers using the skill twice, once if you get a lucky critical. chain crush does a nice amount of damage to the main doppleganger's health. bachram explosion can wipe out all the clones instantly but it takes around a solid 10 minutes of fighting to trigger the boost to charge the skill so you could probably use bachram explosion 7 to 8 times in this fight depending on how often you are hitting the boss. since this can eat up a bit of dorcha you should use dorcha snatch to recover as much as possible.
  • AnakymAnakym
    Mabinogi Rep: 575
    Posts: 14
    Im decent at chain blade but sadly i don´t have the stats to use it there. kunai storm did do a good job at clearing the coppies tought XD