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I'd like to see it come back for the people who missed it the first time!!
I'm sure there's tons of other guilds that want to earn a title as well!
There should be no mechanical benefits to being in a guild. You should want to be in one to be with your friends. Not because of some l33t title.
To be honest, I don't understand your point. Many guilds already have a Title, and really, it's mostly a title to get started. Once you get better titles (the Reborn, Blood Master, Guardian of the Gate, Black Rose Master), you most of the time don't use it anymore. Most people use it as a Family name or as previously stated a Title to get started.
You don't join a Guild for their title anyways, you join a Guild because of your friends. There are already mechanical benefits to being in a Guild such as the Guild Robe, or the Housing Management in case your Guild owns a Residential Area Castle. I don't see why this event, which has happened twice in the past, would be so bad.
I hope you can understand that not everybody is able to get a nice title (stat-wise) when they start, and that it would encourage new players to join a Guild, not only to get a help stat-wise, but also to meet new people. That's a win-win on both side if you look at it my way.
I do however respect your opinion!
I totally support this!!