Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Quality of Life Updates!
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Mabinogi Rep: 450
Posts: 16
in Feedback and Suggestions
Auras seem pretty useless expect for style but what if we had auras that gave stats. The game should add auras that increase every stat kind of like a transformation but they require a certain amount of total levels and stats. If a yellow aura doubled stats, and was obtained at total level 500+ with stats 100+ then it would help players. And if a red and a blue aura were to be added, blue tripling stats and requiring total level 2000+ and stats 500+, and red 5x stats and requiring total level 5000+ and stats 1000+. All of these would have to exclude the luck stat considering luck cant really go that high. And last a white aura, giving 10x stats and requiring total level 10000+ and stats 1000+ but can only be used when HP, MP, and Stamina are all lower then 20% and they player is in the red aura. These would be like magic buffing players a lot. Making auras that are harder to obtain and also make players work more to get them would help make players defeat monsters or pvp because if they are if a sticky situation and they can go use an aura to recover all stats and buff them then they could keep going. But since the aura would be magic then you can obviously move faster and with higher auras like red and white you can fly. Flying would be pretty useless expect in pvp. If players could both fly and fight then it would be pretty fun.


  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    We already have Shine of Eweca

    But fun idea.

    I can safely say with Tech in the game from G22 and soon G23, auras is just another addition to power making it more or less optional to us. Plus players are already fairly strong from ranking skills alone as well as geared head to toe.

    With this, content would be to easy that will give Nexon an idea to make near impossible content for those who are behind from old players.