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I heard there was going to be a server merge

Post: 1
in General Chat
I think that would be awesome. I don't really play Mabinogi anymore. But it would be really nice if some loser out there could get the same great experience I had growing up with the game. Going through late middle school and all of high school. I was a late bloomer. I was fat, ugly, anti social, and had a terrible abusive home life. I had a lot of friends even with these short comings but ended up transferring schools in the beginning of high school. I was your typical Tarlachian.
I stayed around the game coming on and off from 2007? to 2017. Each time I would come back to Mabi I was greeted with less and less people.
Mabinogi was a part of my childhood I fondly look back to. I would spend more than 6 hours a day in that game, wasting all my weekends and school holidays on it. I think the reason why I loved the game so much was because I was such a loser growing up. I absolutely hated my life. My parents were abusive and hardly around, and being ugly as fuqing gnatz my social experiences were not the greatest. So I got all of that from Mabinogi.
On Mabinogi I got to create a king. Through hard work, dedication, and learning how to network. I got to build a character I wanted. During my time on Mabinogi, I remember most times feeling like a king. No one would mess with me, many loved me, and people knew that I was "it". Someone to aspire to become. It was a lot of fun starting from the bottom and slowly working my way up without much use of NX/KK.
I eventually found my thirsty teenage bois thirst quenched with tons of waifus (one named Todd ngl), loyal guild members who followed me for years, and a reputation of being the strongest for a long time stats wise and politically. I was never really a Serris0, Buudha (original), or takk. But I had my own social hierarchy in the game I climbed and dominated which I truly loved the feeling of. I had a social experience that I don't imagine I will ever have as great in real life till this day.
I look back on who I use to be and what Mabinogi gave to me. It probably could've been any other game if my sorry self from back then didn't stumble upon Mabi. But after recently logging on Mabinogi. The game has become even more dead than every other year before this. I was warmly greeted by my friends who were still stuck on the game and this is who this post is mainly for. Those people still stuck on Mabinogi trying to find the same feelings they did years ago. Back when Mabinogi had a strong community and active player base. I see all these people stuck trying to become the "best" in something with no one to show off to. It truly does break my heart. There thirsty Epeens have no release (There Egos are staring h3h3).
It's 4am in the morning and I randomly woke up with the urge to type this. I forgot what else I was going to say. I felt this overwhelming passion to come on here. Well anyways, Mabinogi isn't anything without people. If I wanted to play single player mode my game of choice would definitely not be Mabinogi. I don't really follow up with the politics anymore. But for those of you who think we don't need a merge for whatever reason. Get your DEDas on over here bruh. I don't care what your stupid reasons are for not wanting a merge. I'll grab you by the neckbeard and pull you through the screen, 1v1 me Alby Arena brah. Wow, I really got off topic. Dam, I'm like sitting here confused on what I originally came here to type LOL.
Anyways, I want to give the next generations of young teenagers the same great experience I received. I really spent tons of hours on that game. Now I have to work two times harder than those around me to catch up in life. And I still have no rugrats. Not everyone needs a community like Mabi. But some people out there really need it and still need it.

Going through college while working now. Thank god my first job at 18 forced me to socialize with people normally on a daily basis. It took years of real socializing to finally pretend that I'm not a socially awkward person. Ended up changing my fat ugly self after picking up weights. Even ended up modeling for a short time and found it wasn't for me. Something my teenage self on Mabi would never imagine I would ever do. I've seen many hierarchies in real life. But none of them ever seemed fun to climb as Tarlachs one did.
I got off from work and class tomorrow so gonna go back to bed. Happy trails. I love you my fellow weebs,neckbeards, narcissists, and introverts.

Small flex but, I started PVP @ healers,Filia EvG, and if I came back I'd whoop all of your DEDas in anything you could possibly imagine.

tldr; man, I can't believe there are a small minority of people against a necessary merge. Stop inconveniencing everyone. You remind me of those people who hold up lines at Mc Donalds drive throughs because you wanted a soft cone but there soft serve machine broke down. Bruh, you already got like 2 big mac meals and an apple pie. Hurry the fug up man. There are 12 cars behind you trying to not miss work.


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    There are a lot of people playing games like Mabinogi who are or were in the same boat as your self. For whatever reason they are not entirely satisfied with their real-life situation and games such as Mabinogi allow them to be beautiful, powerful, and appreciated; it's like having a second chance at being the kind of person they wished they were. Some folks do eventually overcome their situation, as you did, either outside of Mabinogi or even because of it; good for you!

    As for a server merge, only folks at Nexon know for sure. On the outside you have folks who think it will never happen. So far it has been the case, so them feeling that way is not unreasonable. Some folks think that it is inevitable. Some, such as my self, point to potential clues that it even may happen as early as this year. In the end, we won't ever know for sure until it either happens or the game shuts down without it happening.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    edited March 25, 2019
    During the campfire event all they said briefly was that they would "discuss it with the devs". That's all. There has never EVER been ANY confirmation on this. They took OUR old running joke and ran with it at that event, like it was funny even though this is something we desperately want and need.

    Also merging the server is not something that would be easily approved or implemented. Hell honestly I bet KR already said no a long time ago and they were just trying appease us somehow. I wish I could reference the video of the campfire event, unfortunately that video "was deleted by twitch" supposedly, (like I believe that crap).

    News flash NA, it's not that funny. You're not supposed to run with our joke about your company being a joke. That's just pathetic. It became a joke because you guys constantly ignored us on that issue and acted like that issue was never brought up for YEARS. I even remember a twitch stream a couple years ago with Katherz and Nkeona and they feigned ignorance on the issue that we have been complaining about YEARS prior. Then they are like lol lets join in on the joke. No, just no. It was poor taste during the event knowing KR denied that request. Do not ever toy with us again. You have a lot riding on the survival of this game and community when gacha is going to be banned or regulated by the governments.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited March 25, 2019
    Well, if it does succeed if they were to cause a server merge, Id at least would likely see more activity with higher end players waiting to see some fresh blood in battles.

    Or players who had joined the most populated server but unable to move there main to the new server.

    I just don't like that it takes ages to reach the same lvl as the players who had played the longest in mabinogi and i bet they are tired of waiting for us to catch up just so they would see more players to do content with of new.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    Alshian wrote: »
    Well, if it does succeed if they were to cause a server merge, Id at least would likely see more activity with higher end players waiting to see some fresh blood in battles.

    Or players who had joined the most populated server but unable to move there main to the new server.

    I just don't like that it takes ages to reach the same lvl as the players who had played the longest in mabinogi and i bet they are tired of waiting for us to catch up just so they would see more players to do content with of new.

    As I said, server merge is a joke and always will be.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Gaea wrote: »
    Alshian wrote: »
    Well, if it does succeed if they were to cause a server merge, Id at least would likely see more activity with higher end players waiting to see some fresh blood in battles.

    Or players who had joined the most populated server but unable to move there main to the new server.

    I just don't like that it takes ages to reach the same lvl as the players who had played the longest in mabinogi and i bet they are tired of waiting for us to catch up just so they would see more players to do content with of new.

    As I said, server merge is a joke and always will be.

    Put all the servers onto a cloud. :)
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,470
    Posts: 836
    Gaea wrote: »
    As I said, server merge is a joke and always will be.

    Might as well be since their problem solving for lootbox law is a giant joke. Lol.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    Harukari wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    As I said, server merge is a joke and always will be.

    Might as well be since their problem solving for lootbox law is a giant joke. Lol.

    Yeah "let's just continue as is and block Belgium. Problem solved".