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[FIXED] Shop / Housing Board search is broken
What's Wrong: Nothing shows up when searching for items / users / anything on the shop board
What I Expect to Happen: Stuff should show up when I search...
This has been broken since the 12 hour maintenance as far as I know. It's really inconvenient to me because I'm paying for VIP service to use the shops, and I haven't sold anything in my house for going on 2 weeks (since it wasn't fixed this week) and will be 3 weeks if it's not fixed next week. Housing is one of the only things worth having service for, and this is the 2nd time it's been severely broken (last time the shop flyers didn't work for about 1-2 weeks). Please fix this.... I can't help but feel like compensation is in order, but I wouldn't know what type
I surely lost out on sales because of this. I know my flyers are up. I have searched my items up immediately after replacing my flyers and still nothing. Nothing from other people as well. It's bad enough that housing has been completely overshadowed by the auction house, I'm worried that if this stays broken too long then shopping district will really die off
IGN: Darvy
Server: Mari