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Server merge broke Dunbarton?
I haven't been able to log on at all since the server merge. I used to be on Mari and ALL my characters have +Mari attached to their names. Is that stopping me from logging on until the name change option arrives? Or is my computer just not capable of the over-crowding now on the Nao server? Because honestly, besides the fact that I was being stalked and harassed on Ruairi, I switched to the Mari server because it was less crowded and loaded better on my computer. The character selection screen loads fine as usual but then when I click a character to log on, (I've tried all 4 of them now before posting this and they all have +Mari on their names and their all located in Dunbarton when I go to log on) the screen has these grey blocks pop up all over the place and then just shuts the whole program down. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I've tried both Nexon Launcher and Steam, I even tried going straight to rebirth instead of logging on to see if just Dunbarton was glitching. I don't know what else to do, if it's the over-crowding on the new server that caused this, will I still be able to play someday?