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Disappearing and Reappearing/spamming fireworks?

Mabinogi Rep: 1,080
Posts: 46
edited July 6, 2019 in Bugs and Glitches
Pretty sure this isn't supposed to be a thing, but theres people in dunbarton just disappearing and reappearing constantly like they are entering and exiting their homestead firing an endless stream of fireworks.


  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    They could be logging out, then logging back in, or changing channels. This resets the timer for the fireworks, and while probably not intentional, it isn't a bug as much as an exploit.
  • YaranaikaYaranaika
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,080
    Posts: 46
    Draech wrote: »
    They could be logging out, then logging back in, or changing channels. This resets the timer for the fireworks, and while probably not intentional, it isn't a bug as much as an exploit.

    Which is a glitch and should be reported, people just scumming the system shouldn't get away free lol. But I guess with literal 10s of bots running around at a time spamming text there isn't much rule for authority in this game anymore.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Be sure to report people changing channels to reset pet summon cooldowns too, it's very game breaking and unfair to people who can't click the menu button due to miscalibrating their touch screens. But realistically if the developers wanted fireworks to have a global cooldown that persisted through channel changes they would already as they're CLEARLY capable of such if you've ever used meteor and changed channel to see the icon lit up then be told you have to wait another 28 minutes.

    I'm not really sure why people are so upset over this when the rewards for the event aren't anything special anyways (certainly not enough to make me care to leave feth and sidhe to touch the event at all), also y'all must be real unamerican if you don't want MORE fireworks and enjoy it while it lasts, if the devs want a global cooldown they'll add it.
    ps ego revamp patch after g24 already made mirror blade value 0.
  • KayanaKayana
    Mabinogi Rep: 545
    Posts: 27
    edited July 7, 2019
    Let's call it an "unintended mechanic". At the end of the day, if KR doesn't see a problem with the issue, there is no problem.
  • OdinMOdinM
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 15
    Carelessness on the part of the developers being abused by people to farm event rewards of course. I'm sure it can't be good for the server either.

    Nexon really should solve this problem now and forever by making it so if you relog or change channels more than 15 times in a 1 hour period, you get a tempban increasing in duration by how many times you've had it happen. Allowances made of course where people legitimately have network problems, but lets be real here most people would give up after the 4th or 5th disconnect if their internet connection was acting up that much that they dc'd 5 times in an hour.

    I can't think of any legitimate reason why you would need to CC that quickly that you might accidentally set it off if it was a fairly high number like 15 times an hour. 5 times an hour would be too low, people CC'ing looking for a party to join might hit it on accident.