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I have not seen a thread about this, even after searching a bit. Seems that people think that its a lost cause or easier to start a new character and buy a new card.
(Im rather attached if I do say so myself lol.. 40k+ isnt something so easy to achieve)
I'm the typical end-game human, been that way almost 10 years, but I feel like spicing up my fantasy life. Becoming a giant would be a new challenge, with all new gear to create and skills to get used to.
So my suggestion...
A cash shop item that allows the rebirth of a character into another race, HOWEVER, all gear that is race bound will NOT be usable even though its personalize to you. It would be up to the player to unlock/destroy/burn/convert all gear before hand or after via unlocking potions in the cash shop. This would let players handle themselves and let nexon do as they do, observe. I think you should only be able to use the race change a total of 3 times per character, as there are only 3 races. (you gotta decide what you like best)
Also, all race exclusive skills you had from a previous race would be locked and unusable. Like the demigod skills your not aligned with.
To qualify for race change, to adhere to current game settings, you would have to leave your family if your marriage would interfere with elf vs giant restrictions, also you would have to leave your allied side.
It's a good idea, I suggested it my self a few months back as well, unfortunately a few things need to be overhauled to allow it. You need to allow elf/giant marriage you need to allow marriage at any of the three venues, and you need to end race support forever then you can have race change at rebirth. Not doing these things would create bugs.
So you would have to divorce and leave your family, and leave any support of a race in order to qualify. Just like all the stipulations for name change?
I disagree. There are things that cannot be achieved in shorter times, though the initial start is easier. Things like Shine of Eweca, which require a cap at 40k, or crusader subskills/crusader level which take substantial amounts of time due to rebirth and weekly caps on experience. I know you'll probably say that its my fault for heavily investing in just one character, but Ive been here far too long to care and throw it all out of a window.
I know Im not alone in this.
I felt like I got my face spat in at the 10x ap event added into memoirs. People caught up to others who spent literal years to get to that point, in less than two hours.I just thought of another problem though, how do you switch from being able to become a beast to say paladin. IIRC paladin has no special skill, its strictly stat boost is it not? Would you automatically have paladin or have to redo G2? What if you were a DK switched to E/G then switched back to Human would you be a DK again or a paladin.
I'd like to have free unlimited race change at rebirth but there are consequences in code that need to be worked out.
If someone like Andras exist, there should absolutely be race change, or mix race!
I was in the same boat as you. Endgame human and all that. Dump that zero and get yourself a hero! I'm already nearly 40k on my giant and it will have taken about 8 months since creation (started at level 0, reached 5k right before memoir too mind you). It's super easy to level. Renowns just about done and so are a bunch of the other character qualities I was "attached to." The game's gotten way easier to start over quite frankly and now's a pretty good time to make the switch.
Not really. If you do a race change on one character--say, Human to Elf--that you've played for years and maxed out, you still had to work long and hard to get that character as strong as they are. Is it really cheating to do a race change and get Falcon in exchange for Paladin, but totally lose dual wielding and Final Hit and all the stats associated with those skills as well as having your character's stats change to reflect the amount of stat points and bonuses given for the Elf versions of those skills? No way. It's a fair trade-off, especially if the player still has to grind the race-exclusive abilities for their transformed character.
I'm personally training up multiple characters of each race, and I really don't see a race change feature as spitting in my face at all--and it's definitely not like the example you put forth about the r1 characters. The analogy doesn't work because you are comparing simply shifting an already trained character from one race to another to demanding a max level boost for all of your alts if you get just one character maxed out. Those are two entirely separate concepts, my friend. A more accurate comparison would be someone saying that they should be able to change their fully upgraded Gladius into a fully upgraded Trinity Staff. There would be changes to what can and can't be done after the change and some adjustments would have to be made (getting a more fitting reforge, for example), but at the end of the day you're trading the advantages and disadvantages of one thing for another. Nothing more, nothing less. The people who took the time to fully upgrade both a Gladius and a Trinity Staff don't lose anything from someone else being able to transform their weapon. In fact, it's the person making the swap who's taking the risk.