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Regular VS "Neat" Erinn Union Scout Outfit Box
The event manager Zeno sell some outfit boxes. There are six kinds of outfit boxes.
- Erinn Union Scout Outfit Box (F)
- Neat Erinn Union Scout Outfit Box (F)
- Erinn Union Scout Outfit Box (M)
- Neat Erinn Union Scout Outfit Box (M)
And these two couple boxes,
- Erinn Union Scout Outfit Couples Box
- Neat Erinn Union Scout Outfit Couples Box
Forget about the non-couples box, we're talking about the couples box now. It's so happened that the names are different, yet their coin price is the same, which is 8. While the non-couples are all 7. Are there any differences between the regular Erinn Union Scout boxes and "Neat" Erinn Union Scout boxes? It's so happened that my twin brother and I bought the ones with the "Neat" name in it. But all we got are the regular Erinn Union Scout Set, from head to toe, both gender, without the name "Neat" if it's actually there. So what are the differences between those two boxes? I thought the "Neat" one does have idle pose or something.
From the screenshot that I attached, the description name is already different, the one without the "Neat" state that we will get both genders of "Erinn Scout Uniform Outfit" But while the "Neat" ones state that we will get both genders of "NEAT Erinn Union Scout Outfit".
Both my twin brother and I purchased "Neat Erinn Union Scout Couples Box" with our HARD-EARNED Coin. And yet we get the regular without the "Neat" name in it.
Is it intended or we are misled?
This is an attachment
Note: I have submitted a ticket about this, just wondering if anyone got the same problem? Or it's just me.