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You could do better, Nexon.
I know Nexon LOVES it's RNG that players came to hate so much. In my experience, RNG is like crack cocaine mixed with hallucinogenics sprinkled ontop a heroine cake to Nexon. Seriously Nexon, I have seen people quit not just Mabinogi, or Maplestory, but you. They got fed up with there being too much RNG with about everything, your money yearning (gachas and the like with all sorts of trash in them for people who are sending money your way), and often seeing things with an expiration date. My suggestion, DIAL IT BACK FROM A 20 DOWN TO LIKE 8! As I said, people didn't exactly quit the games you have, but they quit you. You as a company have driven players away time and time again. You've made good changes, but those cannot help one overlook the trash you have thrown into your game. I love Mabinogi, 10/10. But time and time again, you guys do something that makes the experience of it feel ruined. So please, PLEASE dial back on that stuff. Also, bring back generation missions that can be ran with other people. It was so fun to run with some friends as you went through the story.
Nexon isn't ruining the experience for you. You are choosing to let it ruin you because you are making a choice.
Nexon isn't forcing you to buy gacha. You are making yourself doing it.
There is still plenty of things you can run in parties, Generation missions that required people to run were boring because if no one was around you couldn't progress. Timezones and such.
Not everything is Trash.
I'm happy how they ruined wings by releasing dozens of them in every gacha. I sometimes prefer no wings now.
First of all, there is no attitude and the 'dial' bit is about the RNG mainly. Just about everything in this game is heavily soaked in RNG, more so than other mmos. I can understand utilizing it, but you can't turn 1 degree without there being some sort of RNG to stare you in the face.
Second, I don't buy gacha cause it has never seemed worth it to me. And on another note, isn't this where the best armors are found? Doesn't seem right to me that they are gacha only items. I'd like to see it more like the soluna blade where you have to grind for ages to make, even if they were to still be obtainable via gacha.
Third, yes there are plenty of things. And I never said anything about requiring people, just allowing your friends to tag along for the generation missions.
Fourth, they are always putting out some new gacha. And even making certain things purely gacha only that seems like it should be implemented into the game. As far as I have seen, some accessories for this slot or that slot (face and tail) can only be obtained via gacha. This can appear as a little thing they implement to try to get you into buying gacha, like dangling a carrot on a stick in your face. If you ask me, they should have implemented some lesser appealing stuff like that into the game, or at least changed some of the accessories (like glasses) to become face accessories.
Fifth, I never said everything was trash, just a small portion of what is in Mabinogi. So I would appreciate it if you weren't twisting my words. I enjoy the grind, I enjoy no class-locking, I enjoy events (though they seem to do too many at once). There are all sorts of good things with Mabinogi, hence why I said, "I love Mabinogi, 10/10."
So to say that Nexon can do better is a little odd because as a player you can do better in tailoring your response to be a little bit less haranguing in tone. Everyone can "do better" whether it mean being more appreciative for what we have or asking for changes in a way you would want to be asked. If you were a dev reading this as opposed to someone maturely stating their qualms and how to go about fixing them, I can pretty much assure you that you've lost all your bees with vinegar as opposed to just using honey.
I may have put it not quite right, but this was meant to be a feedback based on reasons I have seen others state what drove them away and these were the common ones. Since my time of joining, I have seen about 30 or so friends (friends list) quit having claimed they got fed up with these, and some even moved over to a private server to avoid some of it. Then there had been several others whom have claimed the same along with their friends. True, many people have quit just because they got tired of playing the game after so long (I'm seeing usually 8 or so years). The capitalized area in my original post is suppose to be like a base-line or whatever for the point I am trying to make. That people had quit due to being bombarded by this stuff constantly.
I mean, just look at weapons themselves and upgrading them (upgrades, enchants, etc). Besides normal upgrading and gem upgrading, about every other way involves RNG.
When it comes to gachas, I do agree that the way they do it is smart, but sometimes they'll even get two up and going at once. They also make it to where you can only obtain certain things (alot of them) from gachas. But it is a lottery sort of deal and people could end up spending hundreds of dollars just to get one good thing (I do put that more on them). And they throw in stuff like elite passes, music buff potions (30min), and other things that look like trash for people throwing out money on something that is so random like that. True you can't just have only the good stuff. But if you ask me, they should at least up those items considering that it does cost actual money.
As for the expiring items, some of those items seem like they just shouldn't have an expiration on them (I myself would have to go with hammers of durability as an example). And they are so common place to see.
As for events, I do remember back in the day when events actually felt special as there weren't as many of them. But now there is always a couple events going on at about any time. It feels a little less like an event and more like how they have the days (swapping between 'effects' or 'activities').
I've never bought gacha for the wings. I've acquired 2 sets of wings ever and I'm content.
I also understand the sentiments of FayeKaiba and the like as it is our choice... if everyone stopped buying these things then it would no longer be good for the companies to continue and they could actually focus on content that makes the game better. However, it is a fact that there are many who will not stop and the system will always be easy to profit off of, even if there was another system that could be more profitable overall for them.
Most times, the easy and less risky forms of profit will win out on overall quality and steady growth, but such is.
I truly do wish the gathca and Pay-to-Win models would die and only be remembered as a dark splotch in gaming's history. Maybe it will happen one day as well.
And before anyone says anything, it is not like I do not want Nexon on the devs to make money. I still often buy things like outfit shopping bags and like when they are available as I do not mind spending good money on a decent and honest product; even if they are a little overpriced. There are many other methods for the industry to make money and still be fair with microtransactions, so for those of you who say people like me and Amitalia here just get too bent out of shape over something that is 'optional' just know that it is because, like you, we love the same game and want to see it become something better; both in quality of gameplay and consumer friendlieness.
Then again, if someone can come up with a reason to explain why the current model is 'good' for consumers, than I would be happy to hear you out.