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So that Erg 20 Catalyst...
Its actually really good.
It does more than just give you Erg 20.
It also uncaps the weapon's Erg up to 25.
So if you ever wanted to skip the requirement of a Milky Way Instrument on a weapon, you have an option now.
Did you use yours wisely?
Does this basically screw me up?
Nope, it'll still let you use it, and if it's the Level 20 Catalyst, you'll still end up at level 20, uncapped to level 25.
You can use it on any weapon that is allowed to be erg upgraded.
As long as your weapon is not already Erg 20 and above, you can use it.
It benefits you less the higher the erg level before use.
No matter what erg level your weapon is, it will always end up erg 20 with lvl 25 cap, it means your lvl 15 erg weapon will become erg 20 after use not 35.
I used mine on a Battle hammer for giants, not the celtic kind. Because I am cheap and prefer cost efficient of power instead of over pay for little extra power.
There is so much info being displayed that I can't even see the Erg stats...
Scroll wheel (yes it blew my mind too).
Edit: hehe I ninja'd Alshian by like 10 seconds c:
first time having info being too long? scrolling down is your friend.
Just mouse over item and scroll down, don't even have to click anything.
LMAO! I can't believe I never knew this. Thanks.
It's not like they tell us important things like this anywhere.