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Pons. The one in-game currency directly derived from the cash shop.
It used to be the main way (if not only) to get beauty options, specific colors, and some homestead props.
Nowadays, it is a dead currency. Squire missions have a pon requirement that is honestly ridiculous. All the new homestead props and beauty options come to us in gachapon.
Seeing as buying things directly with pon has always been a much more likable, direct purchase way of getting things other than a gachapon, Pons should be used to obtain more stuff than currently available.
Make the smaller prizes (or the bigger, depending) of gachapons purchasable with pons. Use an NPC ingame which would have those fashion goodies in a shop of some kind in duality with the current gacha(s). Bring back pon options for homestead props, like the decorative flowers, minus any stat effects. Maybe even make the natural dye minigame/crafting a permanent pon option? The possibilities are honestly huge, and Pons would also be a great way to move away from the gachapon trend, what with the lootbox discussions.
Pons should be the game's main way to make money with more direct purchases, not gachapons.
I concur.
Pons should have more uses outside beauty and homestead, and even expanded uses for both.
Also it would be nice to buy Style Tab for your whole account instead of one character, but that's for another dayWelcome to the 21st century
But anyway, in all seriousness, pons are a bit unnecessary at the moment.
Well, that's why there's the suggestions here to either make it more useful, or get rid of them altogether.
*reads thread title again*.
Oh...well I agree.