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I'm expecting some codes and gifts.
Nexon being a «publisher» of numerous game-titles has a fair amount of «content» from which to choose. When «inviting» your «prospects» into subscribing to some sort of newsletter, you will want to be specific as to what you're offering, and it needs to be «interesting» content to keep subscribers interested (similarly to how/why people «subscribe» to certain YT-channels). The most «responsible» (and thus non-obnoxious) manner of «advertising» that I have seen done in the form of newsletters is to send «useful information articles» that help the reader in some way (regardless of whether they «buy» the suggested product/service or not).
There are also supposed to be various «tiers» of subscriptions; e.g.: All Games, Mabinogi-Only, Account-Notices Only (such as Expiring NX), Service-Notices (such as Expensive/Rare in-game Items that are soon to expire [even though most of us would want/prefer to get rid of a lot of those expiration-timers altogether, this way, you at least provide a «reminder» in helping such items not become potentially wasted, and that would be something that some people can appreciate]), specific titles (e.g.: Vindictus + Maple-Story), etc.
Most of the readers here would probably prefer to read Mabinogi-specific articles but sometimes there are such things as «cross-over» events where two different games reward each other by inviting new players to at least get through a certain amount of Tutorial-Stages (in both games) to receive some «Rare» rewards. Rather than being open-ended about this I am just going to out-right write up an article right here with an «attention-grabbing» head-line and simply show you how I might go about promoting a «sale» without sounding greedy. Read Spoiler For Details...
If I so choose to assist them in any way that I believe would/could be useful then it is done out of my own free-will volition.
Subject: Mabinogi Newsletter #1: New Milletian's Guide to Overcoming Gold and Bag Space Deficits
Just started a new character and don't have much in the way of funds or inventory space yet? This guide will definitely help those who are new to the world of Erinn! Erinn being the name of the Universe in Mabinogi. Besides the beginner quests, which we encourage new Milletians to complete at earliest convenience, are also some other ways in which to be able to obtain gold in a safe and efficient manner. But what to invest in first? We'd highly recommend a couple of Big Gold Pouches and obtaining more bag space when you can.
NPCs, such as Walter at the Dunbarton Square or Malcolm at the General Shop in Tir Chonaill, sell item bags and sometimes there will even be events going on where you can earn extra bags and pouches as rewards! [If such an Event happens to be occurring at the time of said newsletter then it would of course be mentioned within the newsletter] Additionally, did you know that your pets can hold items for you, too? It's true! In fact, when you complete all 10 Episodes of the Saga I series, you'll be rewarded with a Pegasus Pet Whistle!
Did you know that you can also obtain two additional FREE character cards if the first character on your account was created with the human race? Talk to Castanea in Filia and Krug in Vales respectively for Elf and Giant Character Assistant Cards! This gives you the advantage of having extra bank space which can be shared between characters on the same account! If you did not start out with a human, no problem, for we've prepared a special package only available to Milletians whose first character was a non-human in order to be able to gain either two free Basic Character Cards or one free Ace Character Card, with the following Coupon Codes only available through this newsletter! [Insert Coupon-Code here that can be redeemed at in-game Bank]
Let's get back to discussing on how to make gold in a safe and efficient manner. Safely, there are part-time jobs that are offered by various NPCs, particularly the churches, where Holy Water can be obtained. Our statistical in-game sale-tracking software has revealed that, over the last two weeks, across both servers, a total of X stacks of Holy Water was sold at an average price of 48371 gold per stack through the market systems [or whatever the actual average purchase-price was]! One stack consists of 10 Holy Waters. What are the market systems? Unlike trading directly with other Milletians through the trade window, community members can sell their wares and merchandise through Personal Shops, the Auction House, Kiosks and Houses, where the transaction is then automated upon buyer purchase!
Houses require VIP service to bid upon but you can sell directly from your house if you win the auction. In fact, against the protests of our CEO, we were eventually able to convince him that it would be a good idea to let Milletians have a FREE taste of VIP so that those who have not tried it yet can experience for themselves just how profitable it can be for them to maintain a VIP subscription! If you have lots and Lots and LOTS of items you wish to list simultaneously for sale, then VIP service is definitely for you! In fact, once you use the Coupon Code following this paragraph, you will be able to redeem not just one, but TWO free weeks of VIP service! As long as the VIP subscription has been active using this Coupon Code, if you choose to renew your VIP service, for as long as you continue to renew your VIP service *before* it expires, your purchase will continue to be eligible for a 50% off discount for becoming and remaining a loyal customer!
[Insert Coupon-Code Here Related to Above-Paragraph]
Even if you decide not to take advantage of our VIP offer, you still have plenty of free options to help make your Fantasy Life in Erinn a comfortable one! Before we end this newsletter, did you know, according to our software program that tallies the amount of gold left on the ground in dungeons and shadow missions across both servers where nobody picked up the pieces has amounted to 631,749,925 over just the last week alone? It's true! If you're a new Milletian it might not be a bad idea to pick up after everyone else's drops that they leave behind when you're part of a shadow mission or dungeon party.
That wraps it up for this newsletter. We'll see you next week for Newsletter #2: Obtaining Gold and More Bag Space Continued
The Mabinogi Team
P.S.: Don't forget to take advantage of that FREE VIP service we mentioned with the following coupon code... [Insert Coupon Code Here]
P.S.: The tidbit about «against the protests of our CEO» is of course a form of «acting» to make it seem as if though the CEO were greedy and money-grubbing similarly to how Vince McMahon «acts» like and pretends to be a «bad guy» in the WWE [World Wrestling Entertainment] (formerly known as the WWF [World Wrestling Federation] which ran into some sort of international copy-right issue due to the WWF belonging to the World Wide Fund [for Nature]). You just have to «sell» a «good story» for people to be willing to or want to buy your product/service/story.
I see why they have cellphone apps for washing machines in Japan now.
They have been sending news to my email since like they made Nexon Launcher or so...
This thread pretty much only gave me a hope they will send some kind of gift code or such, other than that they have been only sending news to me.
I had received periodic e-mails from a browser-game through another publisher where I get 100 free gold coins (virtual; similar to NX) just by clicking the link in the e-mail then the gold was «deposited» into the account a few days later. So if they kept track of the statistics and that only 38% of people who received said e-mail actually clicked then maybe a lot of people just don't check their e-mail, the message ended up in spam-folder, or perhaps some people are just hyper-paranoid-suspicious about clicking on links that might offer «free» NX, the word «free» within the e-mail triggered a bunch of anti-spam-filters, etc.
Anyway, opt-in is a necessity for corporate-entities sending e-mails due to the [potential liability of the] ICANN anti-spam Act (or whatever it called).