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Jabchiel(may be spoilers inside)
Did anyone else recognize the name Jabchiel(the boss from the music dungeon)?
I wouldn't have known if you didn't point it out in Discord, but it's amazing.
I had no idea he was related to music though. Was a surprise.
The problem here is people trying to instill magical powers into songs. Like Enn's case, music was once spread by Druids, and because of that, the fact that some druids used it for magic purposes may have been an unavoidable side-effect. One of the all-time sinister wizards ever, Zavkiel, especially was a master at that.
On the other hand, Maurus, the great wizard that put an end to Zavkiel's destruction, believed that although druids can listen to music to understand how the society worked, but using them for magical purposes was a definite no no to him.
Maurus(Mores) Zavkiel(Jabchiel)