Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Mabinogi Rep: 200
Posts: 8
edited July 27, 2020 in Nao Marketplace
Celtic Howling Chain Blade R6 R1 3 line Max Attack Power 20 C/O 350m A/W 450m
Improved Avelin Armor R1 3 FS 20, Tornado 9,golem hp 17 Judgment 4 A/W 350m
Ultimate Geas Edge M Defiance 5 R1 3 Fh 20,Bullet slide 8,Stamina 18 A/w 350m
Fleet Feet F R1 3 Str 7,flame stun 9, Fh Teleport 19 A/W 320m
Fleet Feet F R1 3 Rain cooldown 19, Fs Teleport 20,Enduring mana speed 7 A/W 320m
Holy Eagle Mask R1 3 Critical 4,Magic attack 5, max stamina 6 A/W 300m
Ultimate Geas Edge F Defiance 4 R1 Dex 4, Lance Charge Width giant 17,FS 19A/W350m
Bhafel Hunter R1 3 line Stamina 6,max power 18,luck 7 A/W 250m
Anju's Shuriken R6 R1 Magic Attack 11,max power 18,smoke range 9erg 20A/w250m
Celtic Tribolt wand Special Blue 5,casting 17,int 17,spell of physis 13 A/W 140m
Ultimate Geas Edge Gauntlets Defiance Activation 5 A/W 100m
Deluxe Check Folio Coupon 65m
Celtic Guardian Staff , hail max 16,critical 3, max thunder 10 65m
Ornamented Champion Ultimate Geas Devastation F Offensice 4 80m
Special Crow Feather Suit M 40m
Ultimate Geas Edge Circlet Activation 4 magic 6 40m
Oblivion Ultimate Geas Devastation Circlet R1 3 line A/W 250m
Enore Daunting Special Eiren R1 3 LINE Spinning Slash damage 20 A/W 550m
Nostalgic Camo Belmont Gloves r1 3 line Spinning Slash effective range 20, Spinning Slash effective range 9 A/W 300M
Arance Guardian Staff ,int 130 R6 R1 Fireball max 14, magic attack 20, Balace 8A/W600M
Celtic Tribolt Wand R5 R1 Casting 20, Blaze Explosion 20, A/W 500m
Demi Lich Girgashiy Celtic Dowra R6 R1 int9,max attack20,bulletstorm max 4 A/w 250m
Oblivion Ultimate Geas Devastation Offensive 4 35m
Ovlivion Dexterity Ultimate Geas Edge Circlet Defiance 4 50m
Two-Tone Kyururu Eyes Coupon sold
Everyday Hoodie M 45m
Spirit Transformation Liqueur Black Crows
Caracal Doll Bag Box Sold
Eurasian Eagle Owl Doll Bag Box Sold
Purification Mask Sold
Tech Chic Smart Scooter 30M
Lonely Prison 5m