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Auction House - Looking to Buy

Member Pyrrus
Mabinogi Rep: 575
Posts: 21
edited September 2, 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions
I think the economics of Mabinogi is out dated in that there is no Looking to Buy section added to the Auction House. If we could have that than some item prices would become regulated by the buyers, if at least for commodity items like leather and firewood. This might not actually be a good thing but what i think we have now is a bit too much chaos and by adding a Looking to Buy option we could at least calm that down a little.

It would give players who don't want to mess around with the AH a better experience if they could just sell their items quickly and not have to worry about being undercut by another seller while still maintaining the competitive market for others. I want to sell my useless junk items and i don't want it to take all year to do so. And I still want to shop around for higher end gear items by browsing for sellers.

MMO economics are in a vacuum, which means we can implement certain things that would just not work in real life, like a Looking to Buy option. There are other successful games with a Looking to Buy sections in their Auction Houses, so why not ours?


  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I think there was a suggestion earlier this year where a buyer lists what they want to buy (and quantity if necessary) and the price they are willing to pay and any seller can fulfil that request.

    And of course, if there is a match on listing of the item and the price, the buyer would be redirected to the available listing. And if not available, the buyer's listing will be posted available for potential sellers to fulfil.
  • Member nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 251
    Like the Trading Post in Neopets?
  • Member Amaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    I agree, the Auction House should have a buying option.