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So I recruited Elsie today as my squire,,,
I had already done the quest with the strawberry milk which allowed me to get her likability at 3
and now her likability is maxed at 3 (99%)
BUT i cannot increase it any further?
There is no quest that has come and it has been a while since she has reached that.
Is it capped at 3 or do I need to do something specific to get her to likability 4?
Its been a while since ive done squires so maybe im missing something o.o
it seems that i had to keep making conversation with her and after a while a second quest came
@Arcata You'd probably would discover this very soon, and I would highly advise against trying to derail threads for more or less a tangent. That being said, Squires, or the formal title Alban Knights Baltane Special Unit is a mini system within Mabinogi where you are summoned by the Alban Knights to oversee their Squire program as their commander, allowing you to develop relationships with 6 available Squires, 3 females and 3 males, while you send them on missions for a variety of awards, most notably Knight Seals, which come in the tiers of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. This missions are done by the Squires automatically and only by the one Squire sent on the mission; as their commander, you cannot help them, and you must make calls as to whether or not they are ready to attempt said mission, while building a relationship that allows you to learn more about the squire, thus building likability, which unlocks more efficient means of training them.
For more Info, see said wiki.
It will be available to you shortly after completing some beginner quests, and it ties into the most recent Generations of g19 and g20, although lack spoilers it seems.
yep... just unlocked it yesterday and it seems like..... some sorta different genre game in a game.......... talking to them to get likeablility.... (and except for the first 2 starting squires, others don't seem to interactive...... I don't know what to do with them.... (is that really what they should do to their captain.....? ,-, )
A miserable pile of trash fodders.
But enough talk. Have at you.
You're not their captain, they rejected you, thus you have to recruit them by getting their intimacy levels to 3.