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i'd like a friendly,active guild,just a lot of people who get together and talk or help each other. Anyone wanting to do commerce runs together i go from Bangor to Tara IGN: Bizzysnow
We're socially active and do a lot of shadow mission runs / MA spams.
There is no level, age, or activity restriction. Everyone is welcome to join.
We also have a Discord Server we are always using.
I'm pretty laid back, so I don't ask much. Just to donate GP regularly. (╹◡╹)b
And to be nice, considerate, and drama-free. Additional rules are in our Discord server.
If you're interested in learning more you may add me on Discord or go to our guild stone:
West Side of Dunbarton
If you're interested in learning more, either add me or read more here: http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/2417/artists-guild-recruiting
We have members old and new, and we're all college aged.
We're also social, and there's stuff going on all the time! We also use discord daily haha
If you'd like to know more check out my post here in the mabi forums:
you'd also benefit from checking our guild forums
if you have any questions, add me in game!: Itzu