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Dragon Master Season 2

Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
Posts: 1,593
edited May 31, 2022 in Vault
Meiling is back and needs your help to craft the dragon! Brave Uladh's Dungeons and Shadow Missions to collect the items needed for the dragon. Or, log in in every day to make this majestic pet your own! Check out the details on the webpost.

Event Dates: Thursday, June 2nd, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 30th, Before Maintenance



  • PannyaPannya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,810
    Posts: 205
    edited June 3, 2022
    Trolling warning: the npc consume every single mat to make the Incomplete Horn to get the dragon pet, not only 1 per try.

    Congratulations developers, pretty much every event you give us more reasons not to recommend this game.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    Pannya wrote: »
    Trolling warning: the npc consume every single mat to make the Incomplete Horn to get the dragon pet, not only 1 per try.

    Congratulations developers, pretty much every event you give us more reasons not to recommend this game.

    Thanks for the warning. You can divide up your materials and store them in pet inventory to keep them safe from greedy Meiling.
  • gertrudegertrude
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,140
    Posts: 43
    How many times can you make the incomplete horn
  • StormbeastStormbeast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,300
    Posts: 162
    You can successfully craft 1 incomplete horn, but can try as many times as it takes.

    Each unsuccessful attempt will cost 1+ of the materials used. There is a random chance to save 1-3 of the materials, this chance is supposed to be increased (as well as the actual success rate of the attempt) by having an eminent alchemist note, which is also used when attempting

    Meiling does NOT take an entire stack of items when crafting, I believe Pannya just lost 1 copy of each item on the attempted craft. Currently I have attempted 4 times with alchemist notes and have kept 1 item each time.
  • DemoncatDemoncat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 163
    i am incredibly disapointed i missed out on my dragon bag just for missing one bloody day of the event =.= they really need to be abit more generous with this event x.x