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An opinion for repetition events and persistent re

Mabinogi Rep: 840
Posts: 49
edited January 19, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
This current event, where you craft mannequins -and the previous similar event, where you crafted desks- made me wonder why these recipes don't remain after the event ends and give a way to permanently craft chairs (or crafting anything at all, which I find fun regardless of utility). After a while, I still can't come up with a reason that doesn't involve a greedy approach to punish an unworthy-of-nice-things audience, *BUT* I did think of an idea that I believe would be awesome to be seen, so I came to share it, even if unappreciated and ignored. It's nothing new, just a mix of things that have been done in the past.

As it stands right now, repeating an activity a certain number of times grants a day, and a certain number of days, a reward. How about if this gets expanded to a server-wide, persistent reward? In other words, how about if, after the whole server reached a number of repeated activities, something would get unlocked or added permanently to the game? Like, let's say, the permanence of that ability to craft mannequins? Or the inclusion of a pattern/blueprint that doesn't exist yet or that can't be obtained through independent methods? Perhaps not a permanent, but seasonal? Something to give a sense of relevance to community and developers' interventions, rather than a sense of repentance and a lingering thought that mabinogi becoming a private server/single player with lan game would definitely be a better choice.


  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 49
    Editing the title made a duplicate and I can't figure how to delete one.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    talex9 wrote: »
    Editing the title made a duplicate and I can't figure how to delete one.

    If you want this thread deleted then contact the forum team with the request.