Hi Milletians!
In celebration of our 15th Anniversary for Mabinogi, I want to have a
I'm happy to announce our
Mabinogi 15th Anniversary Creative Event (2023)!
Submissions Open: Monday, March 27 at 12 PM PDT
Submission End: Monday, April 17 at 12 PM PDT
Voting Open: Monday, April 17 at 12 PM PDT
Voting End: Monday, April 24 at 12 PM PDT
Contest details: To celebrate Mabinogi's 15th Anniversary in North America, we'd like for players to submit an artistic-submission of their choosing. Milletians can choose between creating
Art, Writing an excerpt, or taking & submitting a
Screenshot of a highlight from their Mabinogi experience. We'd like for players to express their fondness for Mabinogi!
How to Enter:
Create an original composition representing a highlight from your Mabinogi experience! Create a 2D or 3D work that reflects on a positive Mabinogi experience you've had. This can be anything creative, as long as it relates to Mabinogi!
Create a three-sentence minimum reflective passage related to Mabinogi. Reflect on your time spent playing Mabinogi, and tell us something you love, or something that stood out to you! It can be a recollection of a close-call with the Succubus Queen, a heartfelt moment between two Milletians, or your first moment entering the world of Erinn.
*Submissions must be less than 1000 words. Please don't make CM Arciellia read too much!
Submit a screenshot of a highlight you've had in your Mabinogi experience, or something that impacted you significantly! This can be a new or old screenshot. This can be a screenshot of your character and your friends, your homestead when you finally got your missing piece, or a clutch moment in a spicy dungeon run!
All submissions will be subject to review. Submissions will be voted upon by Nexon Staff and Volunteer Moderators once submissions have been accumulated.
*Submissions can be edited, but don't go overboard!
Judging and Voting: Submissions will be voted upon by Nexon staff and Volunteer Moderators upon voting period open. Voting will take place in a separate GoogleForms document once submissions have been accumulated.
FIFTEEN (15x) Total Winners will receive:
• 5x Winners for
Art - 45x TBA Boxes Each + 1x GM Dye Selection Box
• 5x Winners for
Writing - 11x TBA Boxes Each + 1x GM Dye Selection Box
• 5x Winners for
Screenshot - 11x TBA Boxes Each + 1x GM Dye Selection Box
ALL SUBMISSIONS will receive:
- • 1x "15th Reminiscence Title Coupon" 1st Title.
(A coupon that can be used to obtain the "who reminisced during the 15th Anniversary" 1st Title. (Not Tradable)).
FULL RULES FOUND HERE: https://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/26251/mabinogi-15th-anniversary-creative-event-2023