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I am SUPPOSED to have vip

Mabinogi Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in Help
I payed a couple days ago AT LEAST for NINTEY DAYS the max available size of vip yet for some reason I log on AGAIN TODAY AFTER THE MAINT and somehow still DO NOT HAVE THE VIP YET? I am getting VERY ANGRY about this and HIGHLY suggest now that the Maint has passed that you FIX THIS ASAP. And make an actual support talk to someone immediately thing humans can actually TALK TO PEOPLE ON IT.


  • MizelMizel
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    I have still now PAYED FOR VIP FOR 90 DAYS TWICE and I still DO NOT HAVE VIP. I am now getting INSANELY ANGRY AT THIS. SOMEONE in the blasted staff had BETTER REPLY AND FIX THIS POST HASTE.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    edited April 27, 2023
    On the soul stream page (that's the rotunda, in the clouds page, where you choose which character or pet to play) it will say whether you have VIP or Premium and when it expires; I think in the top left. There used to be a paid-for service called Inventory Plus which, I believe, shows as active for everyone else, since it was made free years ago. If VIP does not show up on this page, log into the web shop and look over your purchase history to ensure that the sale of VIP was registered as completed. Count your remaining NX, to ensure whether it has been deducted.

    If everything is showing that it should be active then are none of the services occurring or is it a particular one that is not occurring? If this is about a particular service, then make sure that one is included in VIP and not just Premium; Premium is the highest ranked enhanced service.

    Despite your present experience, if you decide paying for enhanced service is worth it then, be like the rest of us and, make sure to buy a years-worth only during the Black-Friday 50%-off annual sale.
  • ArcielliaArciellia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,630
    Posts: 123
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    Oh this is peculiar! Sorry I am seeing this so late.
    As Helsa has mentioned, please verify in-game whether or not the purchase has gone through.
    If your issue continues to persist, I urge you to submit a Player Support Ticket It will help if you can provide screenshots of proof of purchase, as well!
    I hope we can resolve this issue quickly! Thanks for reaching out.
  • ToesWeakToesWeak
    Post: 1
    I thought i had this same problem. Turns out it was in the Shop icon in the tab bar at the bottom of the screen.