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QOL Suggestion for Dorcha Gauge
Allow us the setting/option for us to disable the Dorcha Gauge something similar to the Alchemy Attribute Marbles. Would clean up screen clutter.
I do, but ahhh, I still find it a little annoying at times since its still there. Like I said, I did get used to it mostly by now.
Another issue, I can't keep it locked so I don't accidentally move it, because sometimes it moves and I need to pull it back down my screen and fix it. But not sure how many other people would run into this issue, as I think its only because I tug the screen borders to make it full screen. I don't actually play in "full screen" mode.
Options >Game > ETC > Lock the Dorcha Guage in place
Ahh I see what you mean. I have to change the size of my screen too so I get it.