Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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Events/Sale Heads-Up! 2/15/24

Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
Posts: 2,529
in General Chat
Hey, Milletians! It's that time again! This week we're saying farewell to two events and a sale, so let's get started!~

Starting with the events, the first event ending is the First Chronicle: Hotdays and Event Buffs Event! Make sure to take advantage on some of those lovely benefits like half off repair costs and Baltane Missions Level Cap being 200. There's more in the link below so be sure to check it out and take advantage before everything is set back to normal!

First Chronicle: Hotdays and Event Buffs:

The second event ending this week is the Winter Fishing Event! Hope everyone has been fishing up Old Fish Traps to open! I've been feeding my Spirit Weapons the gems they give out, but I've yet to get anything for the homestead (I've also yet to open all of my traps because it's my bad habit to hoard them and never open them... TAT), so hopefully everyone is getting some good stuff from them! Also, bear in mind, if you opened any before the corrective maintenance updating the box drops to the current ones, you likely have received some new ones in the mail. Also make sure to turn in your glacial smelt to Jan for some pretty prizes!

Winter Fishing Event:

As for the sale, it's the Florentine Gala Box with some lovely noble-themed items! If you see something you like in this gacha, make sure to pick up a stack and try your luck! Full drop list and rates in the link below!

Florentine Gala Box:

That's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!~