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Shop Stall Spots - Personal Shops on a GRID!

Member Crimsọn
Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
Posts: 9,218
edited April 14, 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions
Tired of trying to find a spot for your shop? Tired of scooching around endlessly? Wished the placement of shops were more organized to save you time?

I know I do, and I know a lot of other players do too. Personal shops has always been a trademark thing for Mabinogi, especially in Dunbarton. Sometimes it's necessary to have a personal shop to sell things. I tend to use the auction house preferably, but if you have many things to sell such as dyes it's best to unload them into a personal shop. The problem is there is a lot of competition for spots in that prime area. Another problem is trying to figure out how to squeeze your shop in, but sometimes that can take a hot minute to figure out and it's annoying!

So I present to you the solution that a lot of us have wanted for YEARS; Shop Stall Spots, on a VIEWABLE grid. When you have a merchant license and you go to use it a grid will light up and SHOW you what spots are available without all the guess work! Then you click on the available open spot and BOOM shop open! Then you do everything else as normal.

So basically turn this...


Into this!

