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Adjust Personalized/Character-Bound Items

Mabinogi Rep: 1,440
Posts: 6
edited April 16, 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions
While it does help with protecting items if you accidentally drop an item or you end up getting hacked, there's still a bit too much restriction regarding items bound to your character. You cannot put them items into your Dressing Room or pet inventory to save storage, it can crowd the Me tab (which is more often than not used for storyline items), especially if one doesn't have a bag, and there's no way to completely remove the personalized status. The Trade Unlock Potion is temporary and only becomes re-personalized once equipped again. It could also cause issues for those trying to help their friends gear up.

This is also an annoyance for those who end up personalizing the item by mistake, either by not paying attention or not realizing what they're doing leads to this issue.

The solutions that come to mind are to:
- 1A: Make personalization bound to the entire account rather than a single character, keeping the Trade Unlock Potion in play. Or...
- 1B: Create an item that removes personalization entirely without destroying the item, which can also be useful for accidental binding.
- 2: Lessen the restrictions on where you can store the personalized item; allowing pet storage and/or dressing room storage.

Solution 1B could render the Trade Unlock Potion redundant...
But the potion itself can be taxing on one's wallet, especially if you needed more than one.
  1. Would this be a good idea?4 votes
    1. Yes, please!
       100% (4 votes)
    2. No way!
       0% (0 votes)
    3. Indifferent.
       0% (0 votes)
    4. Okay but I have better idea-
       0% (0 votes)


  • JonaroseJonarose
    Mabinogi Rep: 515
    Posts: 21
    I think personalization making the item account bound would be sooo much nicer! I once completely overhauled my character from feminine to masculine and had a bunch of personalized clothing and armor because of short sighted enchants due to being a newer player at the time. Now I can't get these items out of my Me tab and BANK. I want to put those items on one of the additional characters I created that is actually using the feminine build.

    I think having a FULL disenchantment item for clothing or armor or weapons or whatever to depersonalize it would be nice! I think having it around where the equipment appearance scrolls are in NPC shops would be cool - or maybe Stewart has them because he has enchantment powder? - since that also removes personalization of a kind for items. I also know that some enchantments are where the value lies for some items too, so having something that makes you choose between a full disenchantment to make it tradeable vs a simple trade unlock potion to keep the enchants at a bit more cost would be super doable, I think.

    It wouldn't outright get rid of the value of trade unlock potions like that, it would just give you the options to get something out of your inventory if you didn't want it anymore.
  • RissaRissa
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 4
    Yes, I agree that account binding would be amazing.