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Twas a good game, played on and off for the past 16 -17 years (since beta where I recall only tir, dunbarton, Bangor was available). Was a time of grinding a lot for little, but improved and grew with different generations, exciting when transformation first released, excited when giants and elves released, not so impressed by the whole Romeo Juliet stuff and most things after elves and giants were meh imo. A lot of bigger numbers over the years now getting to like lvl 10k was easy getting free pets and all was nice.
Now I am banned, I am just very sad but also to warn others if someone is reading my rant. I never hacked or botted probably spent over $500 over the course of playing this game. However be careful with running any programs that is written by fans. I ran mabicommerce (outdated but I figured useful to help calculate commerce income/time spent for trades in the original continent) I ran it for probably 10 minutes to input in data manually but was banned since a third party calculator is picked up as hack or bot. Appeal process is a bit of a joke and i found others who have been banned too for using mabicommerce. Although I am done with the game forever, anyone reading please be careful with running anything in the background as the anti hack software nexon use is probably worst that I had encountered in playing any games ever.
As for this third party software if it can give you live information of all the trading posts current price situation, for all commodities, in real time then that's a different kettle of fish. While it only may be passively pulling info from the game, it does then give an unfair advantage by giving information that can't otherwise be known all at once, especially by those individuals NOT using the software; that's probably where the problem is.
It can't pull data passively (maybe 6 years ago when it was made it could but not now). Compared to people who do not use the software, people who uses the software is at a disadvantage since they have to manually input in data by themselves which is worse than using excel that was made by the people themselves as it is outdated data. I still don't see how manually inputting data into the premade sheets a bannable offense