Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Quality of Life Updates!
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Returning Player LF Friends!

Mabinogi Rep: 310
Post: 1
edited March 20, 2017 in Alexina Chat
Hello everyone! :0 I've just returned a few days ago from after a /three year/ hiatus and my big offline/dead friends list is very disheartening ; 0 ; I'd love to make some new buddies to just hang out with and have a good laugh together. I miss the nostalgic days of old Mabi where I'd get so excited to talk to my best buds and just do crazy stuff together.

If you don't mind giving me some of your love, I'd appreciate it!

IGN: Aurthra
add me any time ♥ Im almost always on and willing to hang out


  • DonzegDonzeg
    Mabinogi Rep: 430
    Posts: 11
    You can add me if you want IGN is Donzeg. Im going through the generation quests now so it would be cool to have somebody to chill with.