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Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
Posts: 112
in Story Discussion
Those who have gone through Saga II know of the Settlers aka the Ban...first of all "Ban" is a rather sad name considering they were exiled and forgotten like someone who gets "ban"ned from a game...And they also know that they fled to a place called Pincara.

Pincara is the world the Ban/Settlers created after being cursed by Irinid/Neamhain to pretty much not be able to live in Erinn...that's just awesome, "Oh you banished me? Fine I'll make my own world HAH!" I sure it took sacrfices but whatever.

I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the story as its been too long since I've done, but do they ever say where Pincara even is? Is it Nemeton? Or is Nemeton in Erinn? I know it's very clearly in Muyu Desert but it could just be a gate to Pincara.

It would be rather amazing if we could go to Pincara, I mean we still have Cecht to find its not like she's dead or anything unless disappearing means death lol.


  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    In the original Irish Myth, Cessair, would was the daughter of Bith and Birren and leader of the Settlers, lead people to escape the Great Flood by going to Ireland. A large number of these people were women which in Irish is 'Ban', hence the association. I wasn't able to find anything on Pincara though or any origin story of Neamhain involved with them. Dian Cecht was originally a MAN, who created Nuadha's silver arm and is a petty jerk who kills his son (who replaces Nuadha's arm with actual flesh) and destroys his daughter's work (which is her healing herb collection spawned from the tears she cried on her brother's grave). =T

    Also, disappearing usually means death for gods, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her again. Maybe since Dian is dead, her power went to Heart/Cecht.
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    Well Cichol disappeared and he's good and well >:C

    In the game it says that Neamhain cursed them.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    edited April 28, 2017
    I was referring to the actual Irish mythos referring to why you thought 'Ban' was a sad name when it's just the word for women. The rest has to do with the original Irish story involving the Cessair, and another story about the healer Dian Cecht and his children.

    Yes, I know in Mabinogi, Neamhain curses them, but I was speaking on the original mythos.

    Edit: Also, after a recent playthrough of Saga 2, I found that most of the fellow training Cessair were female as were quite a few of their forces in the later episodes. This leads credence to the Irish word Ban being used.
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    I didn't mean it in an insulting way, just the word Ban used normally wouldn't make someone think "Oh! Woman!"
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    Eh, it would have been better if the developers had done a better job at Saga 2. So many things, including this, would have been better understood. -_-
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    It was left almost at a cliff hanger, who is the Treasure Hunter? What's his name? Does Saga 2 really cause Gen19/20?
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    That's part of the reason that Saga 2 drives me so bonkers. Way too many unanswered questions.
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    They honestly shoulda done like a Saga 3 or a Pre-Gen 19 side quest or something, to explain what happened. I totally forgot what happened at the beginning of Gen19 because I accidentally did it cause I didn't know what it was at the time until I saw the Prophet, they really should fix how NEW PLAYERS can easily skip to Gen19
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    There was a pre-G19 event involving those crystal animals, but again they didn't reveal what was going on. -_-

    But yeah I agree there should be more story catch-up with characters and events.
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    I don't remember them then lol.

    We need someone to just recap the whole story in a video or something, anyone willing to :D?