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DominEye YouTube Series?

Member Tarketh
Mabinogi Rep: 620
Posts: 12
edited April 29, 2017 in Town Square
Hello everyone!!

Some of you may remember me from the old server from the Mysteries of Erin events or failing of Tarketh stories. Tarketh does still use a third person role-play style of communication in-game but I have since scaled down my eccentrics a bit... meaning I don't use third person on the forum anymore.

I am starting a YouTube channel called DominEye and I want to know what the community here would be interested in seeing first. Please give some feedback on the following content ideas;

- Mabinogi content. Featuring content from the game that got Tarketh out of his shy little shell 10/10 would watch this!
- Other game content. You Mabi, we Mabi, he, she, me.. Mabi... it's old school, time to grow up Tarketh! (Nu~! Chu can't make Tarketh /).(\ )
- No content. Who would want to watch a Tarketh video? Weren't Tarketh posts enough?? *cringe*

Also, if you subscribe before I post my first official video I will give you over 9000 bumblebees, a black robe, and an edition Erin Walker: GM Kidnapping Event! N-not..not really... because Tarketh lost his hard doesn't have a copy of the Erin walker.. and Tarketh is too lazy to catch 9000 bees... But it is the thought that counts! ( ^^")>