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full screen problems

Mabinogi Rep: 500
Posts: 9
edited December 19, 2016 in Technical Support
so this just started today. if i go full screen my screen instantly goes back and i cant do anything. from there i cant exit fullscreen or alt_tab out and i have tp ctrl+alt+del and sign out of account on computer


  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    If Mabi was playing fine before with the new update I would have to ask if your graphics drive just updated recently. If so, turn off it's auto-update and roll it back. Hopefully it will fix the problem. Where Mabi is concerned, the newest graphics driver isn't always the best.
    If that doesn't fix your problem we'll need...
    • PC make/model/specs
    • graphics make/model.specs
    • Windows version 7/8/10
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    If you look at your keyboard. The default settings to toggle between full screen and window should be left alt+ shift ( both left) and enter. As for the full screen going black it could be that it takes a while for it to catch up or it could be compatibility problems like Ktty mentioned.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    I don't understand why people just don't stick with windowed mode. Whenever I tried full screen the resolution gets messed up badly.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    Gaea said:

    I don't understand why people just don't stick with windowed mode. Whenever I tried full screen the resolution gets messed up badly.
    Because when in full screen the graphics are exclusively running the game and nothing else. This reduces the amount/possibility of graphics related lag (increases fps). In windowed mode the graphics renders not only the game but also the entire desktop and anything else that you may be running (even if minimized it's still running the graphics for it). That's a whole lot of unnecessary graphics processing.

    If you have problems with the resolution in full screen you have something likely set wrong on your PC.
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    Well, kind of. When you do windowed it is set to a certain resolution as well. If you look at the past forums as they are still there till Jan2017 you only get the fullest resolution in full screen mode. Both have their advantages and disadvantages for full screen and window mode. In full screen mode you can set the resolution even higher than window mode and it should scale pretty well. The fact that it was messed up(probably huge) shows that you had a lower resolution and need to probably set it twice that and it should auto adjust to the screen. You also have to kind of toggle the game I think to get it set as it has trouble setting in unless you exit and start the game again with the desired resolution.

    I think the issue comes in that they probably have to set the game settings to a lower resolution and adjust the game accordingly. I know because default wise my computer can barely handle the resolution and I have to reduce it to nothingness really. Not everyone has a gaming computer and use what they have for word processing, but for the love of the game have systems that barely run it and want to play.

    I hope you were able to minimize the game and play it. It may be time to invest in a regular computer that has sufficient enough resources to operate the game in the future. Best of luck.
  • ChawmiMcbiteyChawmiMcbitey
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 9
    to answer the question about why i play in full screen some menus like the bard bulletin board are quite large and i cant see the buttons when in windowed mode, as to my graphics... the sad state of things is that my computer has intel hd 4400 integrated graphics. also i plan to get a new computer with income tax refund. also i jumped on windows 10 like an idiot when it came out. my problem though is that it happened first when i went into the musical math dungeon
  • TsumukuTsumuku
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,610
    Posts: 96
    edited December 19, 2016
    This thread seems to be a little misleading in a few areas.
    Some of the logic follows when applied as a generalization to games, however they don't take into account architectural difference or paradigm shifts that have occurred since the release of the engine.
    Running in full screen can net some extra FPS in some games, however that isn't going to be the case with Mabi. Even the most basic integrated graphics paired with atom processors will not bottleneck Mabi.
    Most of Mabi's limitation is with the CPU. Having just two cores that are fast will net you a lot better experience with this game.
    Playing in Windowed mode doesn't limit your ability to use the full your full resolution. I'll attach two pictures at the end of this, and if you can tell me which one is in Windowed mode and which one is played in Full Screen, I'll eat my words. I'll also attach screenshots with Frame Rates...
    You don't need a "gaming computer" to play Mabi decently. You just need any computer that was built in the last 10-11 years with an appropriate Operating System dependent on your amount of RAM. (ie 2GB might get by fine with 32bit Windows 7, but would make the game play terrible with 64bit Windows 10). Even most Compute Sticks that are around the $30-$60 range can play Mabi fine at 1080p.

    I think that playing Full Screen comes more as a preference to some, so they don't break their immersion in this game. With some titles full screen has some tricks that it can pull off with Modern APIs. With the age of this game, and the way that any modern Operating System handles DirectX 9 functionality, Windowed vs Full Screen is more about preference. There aren't any real performance concerns.

    The one point that I will provide as good argument for running full screen is power consumption. Windowless doesn't have any frame limiting beyond what 1 CPU core can manage to squeeze, where as Full Screen can support Vsync which could result in some minimalist savings. It could also result in less heat output if you're running some of the older dungeons or areas that will easily get it insane frame rates

    Also as a slight niggle, the default shortcut for Full Screen is just alt+enter. Mabi uses what has been a Windows Standard since the early years of Windows.

    @ChawmiMcbitey You could possible have Mabinogi set to a resolution that is not supported by your display. Check to see that what you have chosen in Mabi matches that of your monitor's specs from the manufacturer. If that resolution doesn't show up, make sure that there is a check in "Widescreen Mode".

    The images

    [Deleted User]
  • SeikoSeiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,620
    Posts: 24
    edited December 20, 2016
    If it just started recently, I would assume the same as Ktty. I use a program called 'Borderless Gaming' because recently my game refused to full-screen in the correct resolution and now no resolution option fits my screen correctly. I also tried setting it manually with Nvidia controls but that didn't work either.

    Borderless Gaming basically fits the game/program windows (that you choose to maximize when you start BG) to fit your screen perfectly. The only problem is that you cant use Mabinogi's built-in minimize/maximize feature but you can simply press the windows home button**sorry x-x''** to bring up your taskbar.

    I have a friend that also uses it on a different OS version that cant do that so they have to ctrl-alt-delete, but I mean if you absolutely have to have a fullscreen that's how I've been doing it for the last few months, and Windows 10 did it to me as well. ; u; I do hope you're able to fix it without the program though.
  • ZincathonZincathon
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,310
    Posts: 77
    edited December 22, 2016
    Ktty said:

    Gaea said:

    I don't understand why people just don't stick with windowed mode. Whenever I tried full screen the resolution gets messed up badly.
    Because when in full screen the graphics are exclusively running the game and nothing else. This reduces the amount/possibility of graphics related lag (increases fps). In windowed mode the graphics renders not only the game but also the entire desktop and anything else that you may be running (even if minimized it's still running the graphics for it). That's a whole lot of unnecessary graphics processing.

    If you have problems with the resolution in full screen you have something likely set wrong on your PC.
    Actually it's the other way around. Mabinogi runs better in Window mode than it does in fullscreen. Among other problems that fullscreen has, FPS is not its forte. It's not CRAZY different or anything, but it's a small amount that would be noticeable to someone that has just enough specs to run Mabi.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    Zincathon said:

    Actually it's the other way around. Mabinogi runs better in Window mode than it does in fullscreen. Among other problems that fullscreen has, FPS is not its forte. It's not CRAZY different or anything, but it's a small amount that would be noticeable to someone that has just enough specs to run Mabi.
    Not for me. it runs in full screen better on my toaster than it does in windowed. Also I wasn't saying that as a specific reason to play mabi full screen. Just that that's one of the reasons many people play games that way in general.
  • ZelfalZelfal
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,245
    Posts: 24
    edited January 14, 2017
    Been having this problem for about a month and a half the thing that bugs me the most about it is i prefer to play full screen mode and not have this issue cause having to signout of computer account just to break the issue is annoying to no end, especially when u dont mean to toggle between modes. would like a solution for it that wouldnt be damaging to my computer or interfer with other games
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    @Ktty Toaster, that's a good impression of your pc. lol.

    I guess I just prefer running in windowed mode anyway. I can check my email, watch youtube, chat on discord, ext ext. My pc might be more than 7 years old but it's still considered high end. When I originally put it together, I built to last a long long LONG time, with room to upgrade and replace parts as needed. -pats old bessy and knocks on wood-