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Holiday Story Contest

Mabinogi Rep: 7,710
Posts: 103
edited December 19, 2016 in Vault

Hello Milletians

The holidays are drawing near and everyone is celebrating in their own ways! With that said, we would love to see what your character is up to during the holidays in Erinn. Write up a short story about your character's holiday for a chance to win a Holiday Mini Bear and a red, white, and green dye!

How to Participate
  • Write a short story about your holiday adventures in Erinn
  • Story should be no more than 500 words long
  • Include your IGN and server on your post
  • All holiday stories must be submitted by Monday, January 2nd at 12 PM Pacific.
*Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and any inappropriate content submitted (in the opinions of the judges) will be grounds for disqualification.

5 winners will receive:
(1) Holiday Mini Bear
(1) Red Fabric Dye
(1) Green Fabric Dye
(1) White Fabric Dye


  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    As somebody who loves to write, I couldn't pass this up. Win or not, I still loved making this story and I hope you all like it too. :)
    It's exactly 500 words, so no worries. I just hope this explanation doesn't count. X_X

    IGN: Mizuli
    Server: Mari

    The Quest to Create Snow

    As the year starts to come to a close, the nights become longer and colder. Well, to be fair, it depends on where you are from, but let's not get in depth. It was still December, how could I not resist making a Christmas Party? As I hung decorations around my homestead, I noticed something important was missing. Everything seemed to be in order, gifts wrapped nicely under the tree. Plates of cookies littered around the homestead, freshly baked. My mouth watered as I stared at them. They begged me to eat them all up. "Not today, cookies. Not today." I pouted and turned away from a fresh pile of chocolate chip delights. "Who are you talking to?" I nearly jumped. "D-don't scare me like that, jerk!" I shook my fist at my butler. He only stared back at me. I grabbed him and pointed out at the decorated homestead. "Do you think.. possibly.. I'm missing something?" He glances around, deep in thought. "Snow?" My eyes lit up like the Christmas lights that hung from the trees. Well, I never thought of that. "Severo, you are brilliant!" I smiled at him. He just tilts his head at me. "Do you know how we'll get the snow here though?" He shrugs. "Son of a flying papaya. Say, maybe we can..? Ah.. what about some magic?"

                  We started off by casting ice bolts at the sky, which just came down on our heads as rain. "Stand back!" I let a fully charged ice spear fly into the atmosphere. Let's just say that I had to sit by a campfire for a while. "Snow.. what could make it snow.." I let out a sigh. I wasn't going to give up just yet. I just needed to think up some ideas. "What about your Rain Casting? Maybe figure out something with that?" I slowly turned my head towards Severo. "I thought you.. what.." I got up from the campfire and got my cylinders out. "We both know this won't last long.." I pointed them at the sky. "I'll still try it!" The familiar cloud-like stuff came out from my cylinders, pouring into the sky. It slowly blocked out the sun. "Not enough.." I went to reload my cylinders, when I noticed Severo casting ice bolt into the sky. It seemed to keep the clouds there a lot longer. I used this to my advantage and made a few more rain castings. Sure enough, snow started to fall from the clouds. "I'm not sure how long this will hold up.. but.." He nods to me. "It'll surely be enough." "I hope so."

    After a while, snow formed a blanket across the ground. We would have to form more clouds, but it was priceless to see all of my friends having a great time.  I smiled to Severo, who was munching on some cookies. "You are much more than just a butler, you know. You're my friend too." He grinned back. "I know."
  • KikurikappaKikurikappa
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,265
    Posts: 66
    IGN: Kikurikappa
    Server: Tarlach

    The Last Hot Chocolate of the Night

    It was a cold night in the midsts of Imbolic, Kikurikappa was having a hot chocolate laden with marshmallows in the Tir Chonnaill Inn. She thought it was just going to be like every other night until she heard the unfamiliar jingling of bells. She looked out the window and saw an elf sneaking around in hide, strangely enough he was dressed in red and green winter clothing, following behind was a tall giant, dressed completely in red, carrying a large bag on his shoulder. To her surprise nobody else seemed to notice the out of place duo in the quiet human village. With a look of surprise, she glanced at her cup and thought to herself "Hmm.. I think I may have had one hot chocolate too many!"
  • KitsuyashaKitsuyasha
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 203
    IGN: Kitsuyasha
    Server: Mari

    Once Upon a Snowy Thought

    From my window ajar, came a brisk gust of wind. Stirring me from slumber, under the tree I trimmed. With my back to the floor, and eyes opened wide. Gazing up through the branches, the lights glowing inside. They were magical stardust, of different colors and size. Waking up to this marvel, was quite the surprise. But all good things must end, so I rose from the floor. To examine the Christmas tree, in case it needed more. But it didn't, it was beautiful! Full of glittering bobbles and gifts. So I vowed to leave it be, despite my buts, and's, or ifs. And in a whirlwind of haste, I gathered my things to leave, but something about the presents had slowly become a peeve.

    "I would of sworn I wrapped them all in only green, blue, and red. But now there's a yellow one..." I then looked to the bed. The haphazard remains of my wrapping still sat, pieces of red, blue, and green...I was right about that. I decided to take it with me, for someone it was wrapped with care. It had to of been misplaced, but in my house, who else was there? Taking the small shiny box, I then slipped out the door. It was a bitter snowy morning, but all around was Christmas decor.

    Dunbarton had transformed! The streets filled with people and cheer. From bards to loaded kiosks beckoning shoppers near. It did my heart good, but I was on a mission to find, who the gift belonged to. Who would be so kind? So on forth I went, asking every soul who would stop. But with every "no", "sorry" and "not I", this was becoming a flop.

    "Who does this belong to! It's not even signed!" I whined defeated, not a name came to mind.

    "You look silly shouting to the sky while waving that thing." A familiar voice called, before my arm she cling. Of course it was my wife, but that's what gave me a clue. Her favorite color was yellow! Into her arms I flew.

    "This was your doing wasn't it! You left me a gift!" I shouted excitedly and gave her a lift. A few twirls in the air and a giggle fit later. She confined in me, her blushing now greater.

    "You always spoil me, so now it's your turn." She claimed. "And no take backs either, you're the only one to be blamed." I couldn't help but laugh, before pocketing the treasure.

    "But my love for you in gifts can never be measured!"

    "Kit I'm serious! And why aren't you opening it now?" She asked with a pout before knitting her brow.

    "Because tomorrow is Christmas and we'll open gifts together. Now let's head inside, and out of this weather." And with that she smiled wide, grabbing my hand with "yes dear".

    It never ceases to amaze, this wonderful time of the year.
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The Legendary Divine Eggnog
    Long ago in the 1000 A.D the people are losing hope in the town of Avon,but on that day...there lives has changed them when an goddess of hope shine down from the heavens will give them a chance by stating "Fear not mortals,there's a Legendary Divine Eggnog that you will need to make..." she said;so 1 man of Avon ask the goddess "What will that do to us of this Legendary Divine Eggnog,your grace?"he ask,so the goddess stated "The Legendary Divine Eggnog is a drink so divine that it will give you all hope once again mortal..." she said;so the man ask "Then how to make the Legendary Divine Eggnog,your grace?"so,the goddess shows the making the Legendary Divine Eggnog ingredients list to give the man of Avon and said "Take the list,those are the ingredients to make the Legendary Divine Eggnog mortal..." she told,so the man ask "I never heard of these ingredients of this planet,how do I find them?"so,the goddess say "Very well,I will show you how mortal...",then she use her power to show the ingredients to scatter around the planet and said "You must find them mortal,before it goes to the wrong hands...",so the man ask "Then what will happen if it does happen,your grace?",then the goddess says "If that happens,when the side of despair drink the Legendary Divine Eggnog;then everything will drag into the darkness,then God will cast his divine punishment to the planet...",the man and his kind feels worried about her words,so the man says "Then I promise I will find them before that happens,your grace...",so the goddess says "Very good,may my blessings brings you hope mortal...",then the goddess shine up to the heavens;so now the man is preparing for a journey to find the ingredients to make the Legendary Divine Eggnog that has scatter around the planet by the goddess of hope then the man leaves Avon to find them before the side of despair find it,will the man ever going to find them to make the Legendary Divine Eggnog? No one knows...-End-
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    Lmao these are good, keep it up guys xD
  • TatsugiTatsugi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,760
    Posts: 149
    edited December 21, 2016
    Server: Mari

    The Cold Winters Gift

    Our story begins on that blustery night, far away in the land known as Errin. Tis a place that only a few will ever reach, but for one man it had been his home for eight long years..

    Staring out of the frosted window of the hut that he built many moons ago, there was a young man thinking quietly amongst the sounds of the crackling wood in the fireplace and howling winds beating on a heavy wooden door behind him. As he took a swig from the large wooden mug he had filled with hot cider moments before, an almost unnoticeable scratching could be heard coming from the door followed by disheartening sigh. Broken from his usual trance, he stood up and went to the door to peek through the window. Not seeing anything, he thought that it was just his imagination running wild yet again. Things like this happened from time to time, ever since he moved into the forest alone.

    The man turned to head back to the table when he heard the whine yet again, however there was no scratching. The whine sounded weaker and quieter than before, maybe even more distant. Pacing to the front door and flinging it open wide to the cold blistering wind the man looked outside as far as he could see. The wind suddenly died down and the snowfall slowed.

    The man then looked down to the snow near his porch to find traces of what he had heard. While looking about he noticed that his door had been clawed with fresh markings and there were tracks leading to his wood pile a few yards away. After slinging on his coat he grabbed one of the metal fire iron from the hearth and set out to the woodpile to deal with the would-be intruder. Upon reaching the pile he stopped and listened for any movement. Nothing. He stepped a bit closer to glance to the other side, weapon ready and eager to get back into the warm fire.
    And then it happened.. Another whine..then a sigh. The sound came from right on the other side of the pile. It didn't sound like a big creature at all, so with a little less caution and a bit more curiosity, he moved closer. The man peeked over and saw a light gray ball of fur about the size of a pail huddled against the pile trying to keep out of the cold. It was a wolf pup, less than a month old, and barely breathing, so the man quickly took off his coat and scooped it up tight and ran inside.
    Thinking to himself, he didn't quite understand why he was compelled to help the pup, all the while hours past and the pup slept while rolled up in the old coat next to the fire.
    The rest is a blur.. T’was many years ago. But that is how I met Kota, on what turned out to be Christmas Eve.
  • KambiiKambii
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,445
    Posts: 41
    IGN: Kambii
    Server: Alexina

    Bringing Cheer One Slice At a Time ~

    Winter wasn’t a weather that elves were particularly fond of, but Kambii knew that she would have to deal with the cold in order to enjoy the holiday. Christmas only came once a year, and it was her all-time favorite holiday. The smell of hot chocolate, the dazzling lights that filled the area, the gentle music that would bring out the holiday cheer, and the gathering of people to come enjoy this holiday together. The warmth of people around her made the cold outside much more bearable.

    The world of Erinn is a big and vast area, but this story revolves around a small little town called Filia, an elf established town where she was born in. With a nice warm coat covering her shivering body, she paced her way against the frozen sand as she headed towards the general store.

    “Granites!” she called out, waving to him in the process. He simply smiled at her and asked what she was doing out in the cold. “Oh, I’m here to buy some groceries. I’m ready to make that special Apple Pie that I make on Christmas every year!” His smile warmed up as he watched her beam a delightful smile.

    “I look forward to your pie again.” he answered in a gentle tone. After buying all the necessary groceries, she politely bowed to him in a polite manner as a ‘thank you’ gesture, and then waved a goodbye.

    Making her way back to her house, Kambii was more than excited to make her Apple Pie again to fill the town of Filia with holiday cheer. “I could be the Santa of this town.” she exclaimed in a joking manner, giggling to herself as she opened the door into her warm, cozy house. She placed her groceries on her wooden table, organizing everything to make the preparation much easier. “Time to get cooking!” she exclaimed to herself, smiling inwardly as she began to preheat her stove.

    The recipe was a simple one, but what made it special was the love and effort that she puts into it. After a few mistakes and a taste test here and there, she was finally satisfied with the end product. “Perfection!” she sang in an accomplished tone, cutting the pie into small slices as she packed them into cute, decorated boxes. Once counting the amount to make sure she had enough, she placed them all into a large basket and headed out the door.

    “Here comes Santa Kambii!” she said aloud, making her way to each house to send over a warm homemade Apple Pie slice. With the gentle music playing in the background, she knew that this Christmas would be another successful one.

    “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!” she sang as her voice echoed all around.
  • YutsukiYutsuki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,710
    Posts: 62
    IGN : Yutsuki
    Server : Alexina

    Work never waits on a snowy day.

    Really, out of all days in the year, Lady Yutsuki would have thought to have a bit of rest on this blessed day that was Erinn Christmas… But here she was, behind her desk in the Guild Hall, performing her duties as a Guild Leader. She had been attending to her guild member’s requests, signing some forms concerning both the guild and the crown.

    A long sigh escaped her mouth as she glanced through the window to see the perfect, beautifully white snow fall down on the nearby streets below the Guild Hall. At this very moment, she would have threw the damn paper flying through the room and ran outside just to share this moment with her friends and guild members.

    But instead, she just adverted her gaze back to the paperwork that seemed to be mocking her badly. She stayed there for maybe one or two more hours until she felt she could do no more. She stood from her seat and paced up and down the room, until her attendant opened the door, or rather, crashed against it, barely managing not to fall in the room at this point. Really, a funny sight, thought Yutsuki, who managed not to laugh at the scene.

    “Delivery for you, Lady Yutsuki!” said the attendant, giving the present to the girl before rushing from where he came.

    Even while she had not been to have fun in the snow with her friend, the note that read “Merry Christmas dear Yutsuki, have this small present to enlighten your day!” really filled Yutsuki with happiness.

  • WingedBunnieWingedBunnie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 22
    IGN: Kaorixx
    Server: Alexina


    The clinking of chainmail echoes through the chilly dungeon halls and the muted meetings of steel and flesh fill the days of a lonely Milletian. The days of glory as a savior of Erinn ended nearly a decade ago, the fomor attacks and antagonistic dragons merely a fading memory. Over time, her friends disappeared since the world was at peace and she watched new heroes take her place. Her guild slowly burned out, left with but a handful.
    Christmas states his arrival with gifts and events to brighten Erinn’s inhabitants. The dye ampoules send a rush of excitement to promising merchants. Light music full of holiday cheer saturates the air as conversations float in between. However, to the lonely Milletian, all of these seemed meaningless without anyone to share it with.
    A box soon appeared in her inventory, full of thoughtful gifts from the creators of the universe. Sure, the dyes were convenient and all and she enjoyed the other small gifts, but one shiny silver whistle drew her attention. The best present of all, one that was to be showered with grateful looks and adoration, was an adorable reindeer that came with his own little cozy sled.
    With a wiggle of a bright red nose, she was enthralled. Not only did she get a pet, but a companion to share her days with, to laugh with, to fight with, and to stand by her side even if everyone else disappeared. Not to mention that adorable face that lights up with childlike glee whenever she pets him.
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    edited January 1, 2017
    IGN: Draech
    Server: Ruairi
    Length: 476 words

    “Huh, even my waterskin's frozen,” I noticed.

    I could see white clouds coming out from between my blueish lips. Staring up at the sky, I chuckled.

    “Lucky Ruairi. At least you had a beard to keep you warm.”

    I closed my eyes and let myself fall on the hard, cold dirt of Morva Aisle.

    “Ahoy there, captain!” a melodious female voice exclaimed.

    I kept my eyes closed, laying still as cold wind ran throughout my longcoat and chilled me to the bone.

    “I said, ahoy there, captain!” she stated once more. Then, alarmingly, she shouted: “Draech, are you okay?”

    I opened my eyes slowly to the flaming orange of her messy hair, as she shuffled worriedly around me. I closed my eyes again. As I felt

    increasingly tired, I heard her yell my name; or, at least, I think that's what I heard. I couldn't think clearly. The cold had finally got to me.

    “Draech, wake up!”

    The crackling campfire brought me back to my senses. With an enormous amount of strength, I managed to raise myself up and sit properly.

    “Oh, hey Meryl,” I managed to mutter. “You here to sacrifice me again?”

    “Actually,” she said in a sad, broken voice, “it's Deirge now. I'm hoping to start anew.”

    She turned around, desperately trying to hide her face. I heard muffled, heartbroken sobbing, yet I remained still, too drowsy to think clearly.

    “Deirge?” I said awkwardly. “That... uh... it means red, right? It suits you.”

    Upon hearing this, she looked at me, her eyes still red and wet, and she smiled.

    “Heh, you didn't change a bit,” she exclaimed as she wiped the tears from her face.

    “You know, I don't get why you were travelling around here alone,” Deirge said, her hands moving about as she heated two cups of milk.

    “Why aren't you in Dunbarton? Heard there are festivities.” she inquired excitedly as she mixed some chocolate powder in the steaming cups.

    “Celebrations were never really my style. What about you? Morva Aisle doesn't seem like the place I'd expect to find you.”

    Deirge grinned, then made her way from the campfire to me, handing over my share of cocoa. Then, she sat down slowly by my side and

    observed the dark swirls in her hot drink.

    “You know,” she spoke softly, “I kinda miss our little adventures aboard the ghost ship together. 'Twas the first time since the ship crashed that

    I've actually felt... alive, I guess.” Her cheeks turned red and she seemed increasingly flustered.. “I... Oh, this is so cheesy, but whatever!” She

    looked at me with her fiery red eyes. “I want to go with you. To help you in whatever it is you're doing. Maybe this way, I'll finally find


    And before I could answer, her eyes were closed and her head rested on my shoulder.
  • KareziKarezi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,265
    Posts: 5
    edited January 1, 2017
    IGN: Karezi
    Server: Mari
    Title: It's the Thought that Counts

    “It’s going to be cold.” - Convey

    I giggled underneath my breath. He never has been one for words. Putting aside the note, and with the feeling of anticipation rising in my chest like wind, I swiftly tore apart the festive wrappings of the gift that laid stationary upon my dresser. With a deep breath, the lid was removed, and in utter disbelief I gawked at the contents within.

    “How did he get his hands on this…”

    Inside was a snowflake coat, with hues that resembled a forest after a winter’s waltz. It must’ve costed a fortune to obtain, let alone difficult finding another seller with the according dyes. A lump formed in my throat. He wasn’t rich, that was for certain, and nor was I.

    Meticulously, but with haste, I extracted the article of clothing from the box, and spread it over the surface of my bed, where the light emitting in-between the slits of the curtains shone, making it shimmer. A shiver ruptured through me, as my pajamas from the night before dropped to the floor. Finally, unable to contain my excitement, I equipped the coat in a gingerly manner; its fabric gracing my skin in a never-ending hug as it fell over me like a soothing blanket.

    “It fits perfectly,” My laughter echoing softly, while tears began to stream down my face in delicate rivulets.

    I’m stupid for not buying him anything.

    Suddenly, a knocking was heard at my door, zoning me back into reality.

    “Karezi, are you ready?”

    “Convey,” I whispered.

    Smiling and stifling my sobs as best as possible, I yelled at the top of my lungs,



    I’ve never been one to celebrate Christmas, despite the festive atmosphere. Having to partake in part-time jobs, and immersing oneself in the troubles of others daily is sure to limit many horizons. Yet, here I was in the back of a flying food truck, gazing out into an elegant powdery wonderland, all the while listening to holiday tunes on the radio. I turned my attention to the driver. I’ve never experienced anything of the like prior to his arrival. Simultaneously, he peered at me over his shoulders.

    “You do know you’re allowed to eat anything this time around.”

    Feeling my face turn bright red as my stomach growled audibly, I sighed,

    “Okay, you got me.”

    It wasn’t long before my hands found themselves wrapped around a piping bowl of spicy oden soup.

    “I guess I feel irrelevant,” Now muttering, “You’ve done so much for me ever since we met, and... how can I repay you?”

    His eyes widened. A silence was brimming in the air, until a chuckle escaped from underneath his lips.

    “Stay with me.”

    Noticing what he expressed, he ruffled his hair awkwardly. I couldn't help but grin.

    “Sounds like an easy task then.”

    Climbing over to his seat, I plopped myself right beside him.

    “Thanks for showing me this world.”

    My head fell onto his lap, and together, we disappeared into the fog.

  • AriastarAriastar
    Mabinogi Rep: 540
    Posts: 2
    IGN: Ariastar
    Server: Alexina
    Title: The Gift of Friendship

    Dunbarton Town Square was just like normal; bustling with townsfolk of various walks of life. Musical notes filled the air as the various milletians picked up their instruments and played with holiday cheer. ] However, there stood a crestfallen elven lass. She was dressed in small black jacket, and a snowflake patterned shirt with a matching skirt. Her rust-colored hair was assembled in pigtails as her pointy ears protruded from her head. Her eyes were emerald enhanced by her glasses, and chocolate skin enveloped her body.

    "The holidays huh...?" The words left her with a slight sigh. Unfortunately this lady was dealing with the pains of loneliness.

    "Here miss, have a candy cane!" A young passerby approached the sulking girl.

    She casually raised her gaze.

    "T-thank you." She replied and graciously took the gift.

    The random boy skipped away and vanished in the crowd. The girl however was displeased. After eating the candy she decided to leave town. The loneliness she felt had washed away the joy from the gift.

    As she stepped past the gates she felt a chill on her body. Was someone watching?

    She was approached by a small blonde-haired girl dressed in Santa-like outfit. Her skin was pale and looked cold to the touch, while her red eyes seemed to twinkle.

    "Nice to meet ya! My name is Edna! They call me the gho-" She stopped suddenly. "Well, let's just say I'm here to help you! And you are?"

    "I'm Aria....but nevermind that. I should get going." She quickly made an effort to leave.

    "Hold it!" Edna blocked her path. "Why do you look so glum?"

    "It's not much of a holiday when you're alone." Aria said with a sigh.

    "Listen Aria, you're never truly alone!" Edna grabbed her by the arm and rushed towards the square.

    "What are yo-"

    "Just relax, I'm a professional!" Edna winked.

    They finally stopped a few feet away from the young boy. Depressingly, he sat alone underneath a street lamp.

    "Thomas Reian, age twelve." Edna spoke in a serious tone. "Orphaned and rendered homeless later on. Still, he tries his best to be kind to others." Her gaze shifted towards Aria.

    Aria felt the guilt hit her. She remembered the boy and she had barely appreciated his gift. In fact, she had been worried about herself the whole time.

    "There's always someone out there like you, in one way or another. This is all I can do for you, what happens now is up to you." Edna then vanished into thin air.

    Aria knew what to do. She got up and went over to the boy. Even if she couldn't help herself, she could do something for him.

    She smiled "Thank you for the candy earlier, would you like join me for Christmas dinner?"

    The boy looked up and tears welled in his eyes.

    "Can I really...?" He managed to speak.

    "Of course! After're never alone." Aria gave him a genuine smile.
  • LynetteLynette
    Mabinogi Rep: 685
    Posts: 28
    edited January 2, 2017
    IGN: kuro195
    Server: Alexina
    Title: how kuro -saved- ruined christmas

    It was christmas eve and Kuro stayed up all night, hiding, with a net. wanting to catch Santa. The year before Santa didn't bring her what she wanted, and she was mad,

    so she waited, and waited, and Santa finally came.

    While he was placing the gifts under the tree, back facing her. Kuro came out from where she was hiding and caught Santa in her net.

    Santa was surprised and fell forward. He was on the ground and turned to see what happened. He seen Kuro standing there, a hammer in hand. She knocked him out with a hit on the head.

    She looked under the tree but all she got was coal she then started looking through his bag of gifts, but everytime she would pick a gift up, that wasnt her's, it would disapper.

    She looked back at her gift of coal and noticed a note in the bottom that said "be good next year" and thought "maybe if i take santas place this year, he'll put me on the nice list! i know im the one that messed it up but once he see's how good i was. im sure he'll forget all about me hitting him with a hammer!"

    She watched enough generic christmas movies to know. If she just goes near the sleigh, it will let her be santa. So she went up on the roof and told the reindeer she was gonna be this years santa.

    She flu to the next house. but couldnt go down the chimney "well...if santa can forgive me for knocking him out im sure he'll forgive me for breaking into this house."

    She went to the back, and took her hammer out once again, and broke a window. But then an alarm went off and dogs started to bark. She quickly ran away, back to the sleigh. "w-well it's ok if i miss just one house, right?"

    She sat in the sleigh for awhile, thinking of how she can get into houses. "i'm not a mage but maybe theres some kind of teleportation magic i can use?"

    She visited one of her mage friends and asked her for help. After explanning what happened, she was quickly thrown out. Then kuro told her if she helped, she would give her a great gift. So she taught her how to teleport. After that, kuro easily delivered the gifts.

    Once she was done she went back home to check if santa was awake. He was, but very angry. she told him an obvious lie, on how he got knocked out. Then told him she delivered the gifts.

    He didnt believe the lie, since he seen her standing there with a hammer. Then check his list and said "You delivered the gifts to all the wrong houses!" turns out she didnt look at the names, and just threw whatever gift she grabbed first under the tree. Santa then said "You are going be on the naughty list, FOREVER!!"
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited January 2, 2017
    I wanted to do something alittle different for this story. Instead of the perspective of my character, I choose to write it from the mind of my character's daughter. I also tried to make it abit different. Instead of calling it 'Christmas' I refer to it as the Festival of Giving.

    IGN: Fayekaiba
    Server: Mari
    Title: Children's Kindness


    Outside a large house sat three young children. A girl with clear white eyes , and long white hair. On top of her head was a pair of white wolf ears and she had a small white wolf tail. Beside her sat a boy who had red spiky hair, deep red eyes and upon his back was a pair of red dragon wings. Lastly sitting in-front of the two was another boy, who had ruffled purple hair and gray colored eyes.

    “I am soooooo excited for the Festival of Giving tomorrow!” Announced the small girl excitingly.
    “Me too Saavan!” Said the Dragon child. “I am so glad my parents let me come stay with you during this holiday!” He looked away, a small blush upon his face.

    Saavan’s attention then turned to the purple haired boy.

    “Hey Talon, since you are new to Taillteann, how does your family celebrate this time of year?” She asked, curiously.

    The boy looked up at his friends and suddenly his face went nervous as he then looked down, his expression saddened.

    “Ummm..My family won’t be celebrating this year. My father working is over seas in my home town and my mother hasn’t been able to find work.”

    “I’m…really sorry to hear that” Replied Saavan. “Maybe we can..--”

    “Saavan, Elias!Time to come inside!” Called a Female voice from inside the house.

    “Okay mom!” Replied Saavan before turning back to Talon. “Sorry…we have to go now. But we will play tomorrow,”

    The two headed inside to were a women with ice blue hair and bright blue eyes was. She also had wolf like ears and tail. Beside her was a male elf with orange hair and blue eyes.

    “Mom…dad..” She began as the two adults turned to their daughter. “We have this friend whose father works over seas right now as a chemist and his mother specializes in herbalism and apothecary, she hasn’t been able to find work, so they have no money to celebrate this year so, I was wondering can I donate some toys and food to his family so they know that we care..?”

    The two adults nodded with a smile, pleased at their daughter’s kindhearted idea.

    “You know love, she has your kind heart” The elf said wrapped his arm around his wife. “She also has your thoughtful mind.” She said smiling at her husband.

    Instead of waiting till morning too visit their friend. Saavan and Elias, being the adventurous duo they were, decided to sneak out in the middle of the night to drop of the surprise for their friend. Saavan knew her parents wouldn’t like them sneaking around in the middle of the night, so they had to be quiet. The two friends quickly made their way to his house, which was on the end of town. It was dark, so no one was around, so they wouldn’t get caught. They lift the gifts on the front of the house and headed back home, knowing their friend will wake up in the morning and happily find the gifts they left for him.
  • SabinaSabina
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,710
    Posts: 103
    Thank you for submitting your stories. We will be announcing winners within the week.
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