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Huge Selling List with a few Price Checks

Mabinogi Rep: 200
Posts: 2
edited July 4, 2017 in Alexina Marketplace

Reload Training Potion X2 - 1m ea
Sakura Abyss Training Potion - Offer
Dischord Training Potion X2 - 350k ea
Shooting Rush Training Potion - 650k

All Skill Reset Capsule - 5m
Double Dual Gun Skill Exp Potion (1 Day) - Offer
Double Alchemy Skill Exp Potion (1 Day) - Offer
Double Puppeteer Skill Exp (1 Day) - Offer
Double Fighter Skill Exp Potion (1 Day) - Offer

Arrow Bag (5x6) Coupon - Offer

Hebona Robe 2/2 - 4m
Spriggan Wings - 4m
Emerald Cutiefly Wings - 4m
Aladdin Hat - Offer
Bright Summer Outfit (M) - 1m
Eluned Royal Rose Outfit (M) - Offer (item below this one is included)
Eluned Royal Rose Hairband (M) - See Above
Eluned Elegant Hanbok Costumne (F) - Offer
Eluned Gym Teacher Sneakers (F) - Offer
Focused White Beam Sword X2 - 800k ea
Focused Green Beam Sword - 550k
Focused Red Beam Sword - Offer

Refined Afternoon Tea Table X2 - 150k ea
Lonely Kotatsu - 150k
Hot Pot Table - 250k

Living Room Chair - Offer

Spirit Weapon Custom Color Dye Ampuole R:0 G:255 B:255 - Offer
Magical Instrument Dye R:0 G:255 B:255 X2 - Offer
Spirit Weapon Custom Color Dye Ampuole R:0 G:191 B:255 - Offer
Fixed Color Dye Ampuole R:0 G:191 B:255 - Offer

Price Check:
Royal Crystal Wing Shield
Royal Crystal Wing Sword
Black Angel Wings

Best to reach me in-game, IGN: Toshimasu Add or Note
No trades available at the time, due to just recently coming back to the game. Some prices can be negotiable but if you Note or Add me for offers DO NOT expect an immediate response, Thank you.