Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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Reforges reforged

Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
Posts: 661
edited July 7, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
The Purpose of this update:
Players have long complained about the power of reforges and the gaping hole of power between the average player and the wealthy. The goal of this update is to help close that gap by making them more reliable and more accessible to everyone.
Tools reforged:
  • Reforging Tool: You cannot use it on items that have already been reforged. Can now reforge rank 3 items, has no chance of rank up or adding lines.
  • Credne's Reforging Tool: Has a 1.92% of ranking up rank 2 to rank 1. Has a 5% chance of ranking up to rank 1 from rank 2.
New ways to reforge:
  • Precise reforging tool: Reforges over the selected reforge on an item. Has no chance of rank up and can be used on r2-r1 items. (3k~ Nx)
  • Artisan's Reforge Tool: Reforges the current reforge levels without changing the lines. Has no chance of rank up or adding new lines. (3k~ Nx)
These new tools can be traded between players like the tools we have in game currently.
Reforges for all:
  • Seal merchants now sell Fine reforging tools for 25 adventure seals each.
  • The commerce Imp now sells Fine Reforges Tools for 500k ducats.
  • Reforge Pieces that combine to form a Fine Reforging Tool now drops from elite shadow missions and hard mode dungeons.

seasaltcake of Mari


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    This is...this is all very good actually. I approve. It would give everyone an opportunity to get those yummy reforges elites have and would discourage the alts selling reforges for gold.
  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    I'm a f2p guy so I can see where you're coming from, but that massive revenue you're telling them to straight up give up on has to then come from somewhere else. I'm also of the opinion that maybe a bit too much money is being made, but I'm sure at least a lot of it is required. Especially with our playerbase dwindling as it is. I can't say I have any ideas that will magically replace that revenue without having to spend another big chunk of money on staff costs to develop more fashion or other stuff. Do you? That'd probably make the idea more whole, at least that's how I feel.

    Also, fine reforges for 25 adventurer seals can be made in a single day very easily by spamming lots of daily quests. On the other hand, 500k ducats are a ridiculous amount without cash shop coupons, barter goods, etc. Also, what kinds of reforges would those be? Ordinary ones for the r3 items?

    I really approve of the idea of making mabi's endgame more accessible to everyone, but perhaps just grabbing all the money from the company you're asking a favor of isn't the best way to achieve a change.
  • rawrnyahrawrnyah
    Mabinogi Rep: 755
    Posts: 19
    Rather than putting them directly in the seal shop etc, I feel like I might be a better idea to put reforge drops into those exploration chests in Iria. Kills two birds with one stone that way by drawing more people to that neglected continent...
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    edited July 7, 2017
    Siodhan wrote: »
    I'm a f2p guy so I can see where you're coming from, but that massive revenue you're telling them to straight up give up on has to then come from somewhere else. I'm also of the opinion that maybe a bit too much money is being made, but I'm sure at least a lot of it is required. Especially with our playerbase dwindling as it is. I can't say I have any ideas that will magically replace that revenue without having to spend another big chunk of money on staff costs to develop more fashion or other stuff. Do you? That'd probably make the idea more whole, at least that's how I feel.

    Also, fine reforges for 25 adventurer seals can be made in a single day very easily by spamming lots of daily quests. On the other hand, 500k ducats are a ridiculous amount without cash shop coupons, barter goods, etc. Also, what kinds of reforges would those be? Ordinary ones for the r3 items?

    I really approve of the idea of making mabi's endgame more accessible to everyone, but perhaps just grabbing all the money from the company you're asking a favor of isn't the best way to achieve a change.

    Only fine reforges will be obtained for free in game, all the other ones will still be cash shop only items. The new reforges costing at around 3k nx still make up for the loss of fine reforge revenue and then some, in theory at least. Also forgot to specify that only the fine tools are bought by ducats.

    I can imagine people still spam daily like mad for the seals like when it first came out but I doubt it will last long, only issue is some daily quests are easy enough to bot.