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i used to use codehouse .kr but it changed and now its really tedious to use. theres also mabibeats, but i dont really like the songs they have on there. know any good sites?
What I'm worried about is people taking mmls from the net and posting when the original composer wanted to take credit for it.
http://mabinogi.nexon. com /page/community/composer_list.asp?aid=38&category=0
Only problem is that it's not in English but it's not hard to use and search for MMLs.
Search bar is at the top. Here is Shelter: http://mabinogi.fws.tw/ac_comproser.php?comstext=Shelter&comdct=comname&search_com=
There's 3 of them you can try composing
-those links are not allowed-
a bunch i pasted into here