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[Resolved] Where is my MusicQ Pre-Reg. Gift Box?

Mabinogi Rep: 730
Posts: 15
edited December 15, 2016 in Archived Bugs
I know I completed the A New Melody quest. I didnt log on for like a week after that. As soon as I got on today, this quest completed: In Absence, You cannot Act complete. What the heck is that? Where is my MusicQ Pre-Registration Gift Box??


  • KororeKorore
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 667
    The In Absence, You cannot Act quest is for the Mission Point Event.

    If you completed the A New Melody quest, talk to Caravan Joe again and it will complete a quest in your quest log, you then press "Complete" and it awards you your gift box.
  • KrissmasKrissmas
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,070
    Posts: 44
    edited December 15, 2016
    Go to Caravan Joe in Dunbarton! The same location as where you registered

    Also, the quest "In Absence" is part of the Mission Point event.
  • FrustrateFrustrate
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Posts: 15
    oh! Thanks! It should say that on the page, but it doesnt say where to claim it. I just thought it would automatically send it to me as soon as I logged on lol.
  • KororeKorore
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 667
    Glad to hear you got it!

    I will mark it as resolved.
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