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Does the hourly prize for master plan repeats?

Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
Posts: 824
in General Chat
Does the prize counts as daily? Say I'm online for 11 hours every day, will I get all the prizes every day? Or is it a one time thing?

P/S: Mabi sure loves to blow up people's laptop.....................................................


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    No.. Just check out announcements at website. Too much explaining for me lol.
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    I already read it. I just dont understand x.x
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,450
    Posts: 2,516
    edited January 18, 2017
    I assume time can be spanned over the course of a week. The first week ends after the 24th and shifts into the next week of rewards. So I don't believe the prizes can be gained twice as I'm pretty sure they're using a sort of hour counter to figure out how long players have been on, which probably won't reset until the 25th.

    Props on Nexon for giving so much time to allow for 11 hours of play if I'm correct. This should allow those with busy schedules a chance as well. =D
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    So it's cumulative like the timed rebirth even then? Ah dang, and here I thought I can hoard the training seals. Good news for my laptop tho lol
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    Haven't checked the game yet. But is there a "box" like the rebirth event that tells you how many hours you have been on for the current event?
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    edited January 18, 2017
    Wow that's super disappointing that it's only once a week compared to daily. I figured it was daily to go alongside the Phoenix hatching event, but I guess not. I'm not even surprised at this point.

    @Kaga Yep, just like the rebirth. You have to press complete immediately to get the first item before the countdown starts.
  • MirralChanMirralChan
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,235
    Posts: 72
    It seems u can do it on alts as well if u wanna invest the extra time
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,450
    Posts: 2,516
    HA! They reused the Rebirth Button for this! =D
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Now i'm wondering if it's intentional that you can get more prizes if you afk on alts too.
  • MirralChanMirralChan
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,235
    Posts: 72
    Wondering the same thing
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Oh you can get it on alts too? Sweet~ But you can't really afk tho since you have to click the button every hour to reset the timer again ugh
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    edited January 18, 2017
    Carlize said:

    Wow that's super disappointing that it's only once a week compared to daily. I figured it was daily to go alongside the Phoenix hatching event, but I guess not. I'm not even surprised at this point.

    @Kaga Yep, just like the rebirth. You have to press complete immediately to get the first item before the countdown starts.
    Bleh. Sucks that you have to press complete to continue "afk'ing".

    ShouK said:

    Oh you can get it on alts too? Sweet~ But you can't really afk tho since you have to click the button every hour to reset the timer again ugh
  • SugarAngelSugarAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 98
    It goes on for 11 hours per week - Then resets with new rewards the next week. If anyone else is still confused/it wasn't explained.

    @Carlize - Ew, that is disgusting...Ly good, means there will be more life than the flashy dyes in Dunbarton.
    @ShouK - Really? That's pretty awesome.
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    I tried on 5 alts and I'm getting mixed results :S Is there a bug or something lol my main and my first alt, I have to click the button to start the timer, then both get the potions. My 2nd, 3rd, and 4th alt I didnt have to click the button but I didnt get the potions either. My last alt I didn't need to click the button to start the timer, didnt get the potion AND it starts from 80% not 99% o.o
  • SugarAngelSugarAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 98
    @ShouK - Do they share the same percentage overall, if I may ask?
    As for that, the reason it is doing that is because it is counting from time over the last "Timed Item Event" - The reason I know this is because I was disinterested in Mabinogi and only stayed on for a quarter of the time required for the rebirth potion.. That time however, transfered over. Giving me 10 minutes to wait, while an alt had 60 minutes.
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    @ShouK maybe it has to do with how much time was left on the rebirth event and it carried over?
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    @SugarAngel nope my main has less percentage because I'm logged in longer, 4 of my alts started at 99%, only 1 alt starts at 80%. I don't think I logged in any alts during rebirth event tho I mustve forgot. I guess that explains the timer.

    But still doesn't explain one thing, how come only 2 of my characters need to click the timer and got the potion or was that bugged? I thought you can only get the potion after 1 hour though. Weird lol Now I wonder whether they will get different items at 1 hour mark.
  • SugarAngelSugarAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 98
    @ShouK - Probably not, if it was over an hour it probably decided, "Hey, it's not good to carry this over."
    Or in other words, too high of a percentage won't carry over - But hey, you aren't missing much on the first hour.. being 300HP potions.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,890
    Posts: 1,752
    if you get a rebirth potion with an alt would it be bank tradeable? I wonder if the rebirth pots expire?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    @Arjune Here's your answer. Just got it.
    But who knows... This potion might not disappear like last Rebirth event we had.