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Whats up with the waterfall noises in Dunbarton?
Seriously. If I afk somewhere there for a long time, (and I think it happens after 30 minutes to an hour) I start to hear loud waterfall noises. So I'll walk away from that area BUT THEN after a while it happens again! Plus the areas where I was standing at remain effected unless I relog. What is going on here? Is anyone else experiencing this? I am getting really annoyed and this needs to be fixed. I've had this happen to me in Tailteann.
I'm being told now that this has something to do with people summoning pets. It triggers the waterfall sound effect somehow. Either way, fix it. I don't care. I just want to watch Netflix and respond to messages without being bombarded with that noise eventually.
And sure, yeah I guess I could afk in my homestead. But I shouldn't have to.
Jesus...I thought I was going crazy. O_o;;;

Sounds like a waterfall to me.
It didn't bother me enough. To me it was like the wind blowing.
I know right???
That's what was said about commas.