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Whats up with the waterfall noises in Dunbarton?
Good question, I would think since this has been around for a while that someone already has. I've only started to notice it because of hanging out in Dunbarton more than usual due to events.
I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at this. Your staff just up and flew out on you. It's possessed. XD
I really wish I knew what causes that bug.
I bet Katherz is watching this shaking her head "Gaea stop breaking the game!"
[edit]i remember this was an issue when..... fire horses(or was it crystal reindeer) first got introduce to mabi. all i know is the only way to fix it was by spamming the mountable tigers and the sound would cancel out.
i doubt spamming tigers work now, i think tiger sound also got lengthen so they dont spam as fast for (1)
Yes, I posted a link already.
If you do actually have this information you should probably submit a report.