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Closed Is there a place without criminals on this server?
Everyone is extremely toxic and constantly tries to steal things from me, so i'm looking for a place on the server where i don't have to deal with such criminals. If you know where such a place is let me know. As I don't appreciate slander, theft, betrayals, or things related to these.
I would invite you to the Nonskilled Guild; but you got a terrible behavior.
Best I can tell you is that where there are people, there are troubles. Be that as it may, there are some good guilds and communities here and there. Your best bet is to look around, you'll find some decent people.
GL with that; people suck, welcome to life.
Ignore the jerks and find the good ones.
Also, there are no good ones, just ones that are less bad.Pretty much I can see why OP sees toxicity everywhere. It's because they can't take sarcasm/joke and the fact that this is internet in which means that you will meet all types of people. I'm also surprised how they can even find such people and see this as an actual "issue". Maybe you keep asking for it? Blacklisting and ignoring is a thing you know.
Jokes only exist to create misunderstandings and allow others to get away with otherwise intolerable behavior.
Ahh... so that's why people find it so entertaining to troll you.
But for people who do actually believe everyone is toxic (Or is insert bad word here.) Grow thicker skin, learn to appreciate small positive things and the few genuine people you meet. You'll live life a lot happier. most the people are are rude to others is because 1.) They just have a different sense of humor. 2. Dealing with problems and can't cope with it, or 3. Just jerks or 4.) You are just misunderstanding their intentions. Either way its easier to just not take it seriously, because chances are in their life you arent that big of a concern for them, so neither should they be for yours.
The reason why they may go on bothering you is because of the reaction of caring too much about it.
This thread is not a joke and is a genuine concern.
People are extremely malicious and I can guarantee you that it's a lot more than just being "jerks" as you called them.
They will go out of their way to stalk you and make you miserable to the point that they repeatedly make new characters to repeatedly attempt to steal items from you and spam your notes with threats or petty insults.
I wouldn't have posted this thread if it was as simple as blacklisting a few trolls.
At this point everyone is just proving the OP's point.
As someone from the same server, I can understand that there are alot of jerks, and even bigger losers who rule over them by cheating and getting all the rarest gears by doing said cheating.
You won't find an accurate blacklist for Alexina, because those SAME people make those lists, and often enough slander, spread rumors or gossip among themselves while placing themselves too high. You won't be able to get rid of them either, because Nexon doesn't have any interest in banning the big-named parasites who are clearly breaking rules. They'll keep going until they get bored and uninstall mabi when the damage is done.
I would just join a friendly guild, and study prices on AH.
This is exactly the kind of awareness that needs to be brought up. It is extremely informative of what is truly going on and tells us that this community will never change unless everyone as a whole works together to do so. However the chances of that are nonexistent due to the elitism and criminal elements that currently exist within the population.
Also, nice image.
Peace. I was only stating the thoughts of people who "attacked" the OP. This is just how I see the things. No one is stealing your stuff from your bare-hands and no one is making you victim. You actually are only victimizing yourself by making bad choices and stop being paranoid in a freaking GAME.
I could tell you, but the forums don't allow you to name others for any reason at all. Which I can understand given how malicious the community is.
Everyone saw that and you can't deny the fact that you slandered a whole Alexina community with a single sentence and then expect to be supported after making such a rude comment about this server.