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Member Ororoa
Mabinogi Rep: 710
Posts: 3
in Feedback and Suggestions
Please don't.
[Deleted User]


  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Please do.
    and 2 others.
  • Member Pan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    Do please.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
  • Member Helsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,880
    I see nothing wrong, whatsoever, with dogs and cats living together. It's their business and no one else's. So merge those dogs and cats.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Helsa wrote: »
    I see nothing wrong, whatsoever, with dogs and cats living together. It's their business and no one else's. So merge those dogs and cats.

    And then you get this mess...


    [Deleted User]
  • Member Ladame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    Sorry if I open up a can of worms here, but out of curiosity... What are the reasons people wouldn't want a server merge? Aside from the market chaos of course.
  • Member Negumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,905
    Posts: 1,322
    Ladame wrote: »
    Sorry if I open up a can of worms here, but out of curiosity... What are the reasons people wouldn't want a server merge? Aside from the market chaos of course.

    player market problems would balance out and fix itself within a month anyway. with updated VIP we could make to 20 mil with a personal shop anywhere, Filia could become a new area for VIP players to setup shops clearing out even more space in Belvast. Vales could become a shopping area when Dunbarton gets flooded with to many shops as you can make almost as much there (Vales merchant licenses hold 2mil 100k gold only 150k less then what you can make in Dunbarton). if we get a server merge and updated VIP around the same time making more room for personal shops will not be a big issue and price adjustments slowly fix itself. this would create a much larger market for everyone.

    I am looking forward to a server merge if we get one. should be interesting to see how it all turns out, it could really bring mabi back to life if done correctly. there is already enough to worry about with Nexon being sold and gacha could be banned in the US at any random time. mabi is already in a risky situation so might as well take our chances with a server merge which could actually improve the game
  • Member FayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    I would love for a server merge to happen. I have alot of friends on other servers and we all want to be able to play together.
  • Member Helsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,880
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    I would love for a server merge to happen. I have alot of friends on other servers and we all want to be able to play together.

    Mhm. I've made characters on all the servers to do just that but it's not really the same is it?
  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Ladame wrote: »
    Sorry if I open up a can of worms here, but out of curiosity... What are the reasons people wouldn't want a server merge? Aside from the market chaos of course.

    There are various fears.
    Potential bullying, inclusion/exclusion decided by those who designate themselves in charge.
    Loss of server identity. environments that made people comfortable in.
    Of course, these can be addressed if a merger is done properly but nonetheless, they do exist in a way.
  • Member GTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    There are those that want to GATTAI!!! And there are those that do not want to GATTAI!!!! I think KR's solution to that was not to merge the servers but they did implement a paid server change option.

    Also I'd like to bring up the issue where people say that a server merge is very easy technically and its just merging the database and adding some prefixes for name/ID conflicts. I'd like to take the time to remind you that this is an old game and the current team working on it has came out and said that there are several black box codes that they have no idea how it works. I'd also like to remind you that in the recent server "upgrade" where they were literally just moving things to another computer caused hotkeys, inventory, and pet tabs to break. No, a server merge will not be easy and most likely not worth the money required to do it. I'll probably say that we'll never ever see a server merge, but a server change option is more likely.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    It's happening, they already upgraded the servers for it. Now it's just contingency planning ext. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
  • Member Lutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Gaea wrote: »
    It's happening, they already upgraded the servers for it. Now it's just contingency planning ext. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

    The (not so) secret is, they didn't "upgrade" the servers, they just moved the game onto amazon's cloud service (specifically it seems to be in Oregon now, RIP Calielves) instead of their own data center, likely because the performance is superior anyways (amazon will constantly buy new hardware, nexon doesn't have to keep shelling out for $10k+ server cpus) and the cost to nexon is significantly lower to just use amazon's service than pay for data center space and electricity in California (the most expensive state to do so in).

    Personal HOT TAKE (tm) on server merge: economy will be destroyed further but everyone knows that, many players will quit entirely because they've moved servers to get away from people and circles of drama instead of quitting the game entirely over it since the option was there, removing server separation will chase them off entirely forcing them to be around people they want to avoid. Many people will also find it harder to get contributions to field bosses when you have all the strongest players from 4 servers DPSing 1 sponge. Also unless theres 24 channels kept it's likely gathering nodes and any event that spawns things in per channel will be near impossible. On the plus side though there would be more people to do girg, hasidim and zebach might also actually be done as well.

    There are positives and negatives both to merging servers, personally I think it'd be better to implement multi-server instances so you can for example have 2 people on each server join a single party and run the content together; though disabling trading and players being able to drop items/pick up items belonging to someone from. Not to mention this could actually be implemented in all regions instead of being effort spent only on NA specifically.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited April 30, 2019
    Oh god get over it. There are people I absolutely hate seeing. But you know what I do? I go somewhere else. It is a big game after all, with channels. You think people don't talk trash and make up rumors about me all the time? This is something I just live with and ignore. But hey if there are players THAT sensitive that they would quit a game over having to be on the same server with their enemy...well I hope the door doesn't hit their asses on the way out.

    We need a server merge. Losing a few sensitive soy insert 1 of 2 genders will be an easy sacrifice.
  • Member Garryib
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 14
    What are some reasons to why we shouldn't have a server merge? Cause I don't understand what is bad about it.
  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    If it were possible, merge everything into one server, the former servers act like channels, and those channels have channels within them.
  • Member Helsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,880
    That Nexon was able to implement a server change service in Korea, is good news as it shows the scope of problems doing a full merge is even smaller. Under conditions presently in Korea, the problem of name uniqueness remains. Since there would be no accompanying general merge of all servers into one but just a reassignment of one character from one server to another, then retaining a unique name, in the Korean case, would be a problem. I suspect in Korea, if you request to change servers and your name is already taken on the target server, you'd have to change your name. Since there would be no server merge there would be no effort made to create the ability to retain your original character name. That this is probably how it works in Korea is likely the source of the reason for the concern about character names. With a name made unique moving one character to another server, is really just editing the server field for the character. So what are the issues that need to be tackled for a server merge?

    1. The player-base will insist that their character names be protected. The advantage of merging all the servers into one, rather than doing a limited merge (say all non-Alexina servers into one) is that the server of residence field in all character records becomes redundant. This is handy because, since the server databases are already merged (each server is just a partition of it), it frees-up the field to become every character's "Last Name" field allowing characters with the same name to remain unique. What needs to be done "code-wise" to complete the solution of this problem? The session marshalling code on the login-server needs to be altered to not read the character record server of residence field and then shunt the session to the indicated server. Instead the relevant code would be altered to shunt the session immediately to the single server, whose identity can be hardcoded. This change in code would literally be 30 seconds of work.

    2. Ownership of farming plots in Tailteann, houses in residential areas, and guild castles would have to lapse, and new contracts to do so, stopped. Since guild castles are owned for 90 days, the announcement of the server merge would happen 90 days beforehand.

    3. All guild stones would be uprooted by the merge. Guild leaders would have to replace them and there'd be no guarantee of getting the same spot again. Granted, that sucks, but there you go. Although it would not stymie a merge, some coding would need to be created to allow a special coupon show up in guild leaders inventory, upon initial log-in, to allow them to place the highest level guild stone, and maybe, to retain GP and guild gold.

    4. The most problematic situation would affect a small number of accounts: that being accounts that presently have characters on multiple servers. This would have a few problems:
    a. What if characters on two different servers have the same kind of item in their respective dressing rooms. Since the dressing room retains only one copy, what happens post merge?
    b. Would characters of differing servers of origin be able to view each others bank contents post merge?
    c. What if you have gold in different server banking systems. Since the bank retains only one tally of gold, what happens post merge?

    For issue 4a: other than saying tough beans the solution will require some code and change to the database structure. The dressing room will need to hold unlimited copies of items. Requests for this feature have been made. If it happens it could be a bellwether of an impending merge.

    For issue 4b+c: it could be that post merge, the original server banks might exist as partitions in a combined banking system. So your Tarlach characters, say, can only see the content of your other Tarlach characters and so on. This would require you to transfer items between banking systems via pets or mail; at least those that could be transferred that way. This would not be ideal, but no bank contents would lost. It would either be fixed afterwards unless addressed for the merge. Since each account already maintains records for each original server banking system, the gold in each server bank would likely be retained but could also be available to only the corresponding characters of the same original server. Gold can be readily transferred via pet or mail. But also Nexon could run a script on the database to merge the gold into one tallied field. Making the banks behave as a properly merged bank would require some coding, but it wouldn't be anything an intern couldn't handle.

    * * *

    For issues arising regarding the age of Mabinogi and parts of its code being "black boxes", inadequately commented code isn't just a problem in university, it happens professionally everywhere as well. With staff turnover, a new employee will view the modules, they're in charge of, initially as a "black boxes", but they'll figure them out; it's exactly what they had to do at their previous job. The entirety of Mabinogi will not need to be edited; just small parts of it. On a development team, even though someone will be in charge of some portion of the code they won't be the only one who's ever seen it. This kind of thing is par for the course in the software biz.

    * * *

    Who could forget the recent server upgrade. Instead of 12 hours it was what? 13? The UI was effected but completely fixed, while the game was live I might add, what? 15 hours later? A server merge could end up being a similar experience. It would either be expected to or, at least, not be a surprise if it was. Annoying but hardly the end of the world though.

    * * *

    A server merge may not be "easy" but it won't be "hard" either. Provided it is planned correctly, it would likely just be a great deal of meticulous work. Discussion about server merges, here on the forums, are handy though just in case the player-base happens to anticipate issues that Nexon somehow misses; so keep it up kiddies!

    Will it cost money to do so? Of course! But Nexon has already stated it's just a bottom line expense and it depends on how popular the idea is.

  • Member Lutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Gaea wrote: »
    Oh god get over it. There are people I absolutely hate seeing. But you know what I do? I go somewhere else. It is a big game after all, with channels. You think people don't talk trash and make up rumors about me all the time? This is something I just live with and ignore.
    Gaea wrote: »
    But hey if there are players THAT sensitive that they would quit a game over having to be on the same server with their enemy...well I hope the door doesn't hit their asses on the way out.

    We need a server merge. Losing a few sensitive soy insert 1 of 2 genders will be an easy sacrifice.
    I only even bring it up since the same people tend to be the "whales" who come from the upper middle class who sell the reforges :)
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I have zero knowledge how this game was on release and it's irrelevant anyway.
  • Member Alshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I for one would like a Merge, id like to see more players than none, it does not make sense to keep multiple servers that are below desired amount for a server so why not merge to make use of that extra space?

    Drama...hah, Drama lives with you where ever you go, with someone or yourself, deal with it, harden your heart and glare at it with your head held high or stay down then never come back. There are other games but if those were not enough as you still come back, then you prob had made your choice to keep trying to stand your ground.

    Economy was already screwed from the get go when you have players who wanted to be the richest of them all that would do any means to achieve it. Gold builds up from everyone as they play so does the prices. Prices shift to meet the seller/buyer's desired amount, Id had already said to not buy the price you don't agree with and set the price you would want to sell for. It is a matter of temptation at the moment. One would say your killing the economy for selling lower or selling higher but what does it mean to KILL an economy when it had already died?

    Plus id like to meet strong players to do content with and I am sure other strongest players in each server could agree that the numbers need to rise if it would ever to thrive longer. Besides it would prob make the creation of Soluna blade quicker if not barely. > 3>
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