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Height-Boosting Insoles purchaseable in-game
As the name says, please offer a way of getting the Height-Boosting Insoles via an in-game means, like Price, Fleta or the Ducat Shop, even if they're expiring accessories. Or make them direct-buyable, or bundled with something else. Please, just don't make it exclusive to a 0.12% drop rate of one gacha. I'm sick of being a full head shorter than Walter.
Body proportion sliders would be much appreciated...particularly for female characters. It's sort of awkward to have a slim 10-year-old girl with fully recognizable boobs. Women's bodies do NOT develop that way (normally). Sure, a girl who is very heavy for her age might have some small breast buds at 10, but a slimmer girl usually won't start developing until around 11 or 12 (depending on genetics and nutrition, with some girls not starting to develop until 13 or 14...women's bodies are complicated like that).
And, yes, making the height-boosting insoles either directly buyable (cash shop or in-game, since I wouldn't see a problem with them being a$1-$5 cash shop item) or giving them out as an event prize down the line would be nice. Honestly, I think they put too many possible items per-gatcha in anyway. I mean, I know it's a 50-cent machine style cash-grab to get people to waste their entire disposable income on the game...but even a 50-cent machine gives players the illusion of being able to get SOMETHING good by having the machine stocked with a small selection of items people would enjoy having, even if it wasn't what they were originally aiming for.
I wish we could use height sliders for characters instead of just partners, but ofc Nexon took the gacha/paywall route with height... Also why on earth are they male only?
What if they revamped the whole dieting system in-game as well, assuming they would be able to pull off sliders in the first place.
I would like to see advanced statistics on all foods that accurately display what every food type increases and decreases. Maybe tie it to the tasting skill?
It would take a LOT of work (including possibly changing the engine) to make Mabi look more like the standard MMO today.
Some folks prefer the "anime" look of the game over making it look more realistic. I figure have an option where you can decide whether you want "classic" Mabinogi or say something that looks more like Vindictus or something. On a side note, I'd like our characters to blink rather than stare out like the soulless automatons that they are.
If the Yui doll can blink, then it should be possible for us to blink, too.
Wait! That little girly thing that floats over your shoulder and does what that floaty cat thing does, you know dungeons and shadow missions and all, it's eyes blink?