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Repair protection potion cant be used on piano
holy water cant be used on piano
no 100% repair on piano
*Removes all of blessing from every gears*
*Makes every gears unable to bless*
Devcat : No more discrimination. What else?
Remove repair failures while you're at it.
Rumor has it that they do have 100% repair rate on one NPC for KR and one in JP.....idk bout TW. Not sure why we don't have one NPC at 100%.
Often these repair events don't include chairs.
If you don't have a Music Partner... Your only option is Walter for chairs... who has 93%... So if that's the case I'd suggest never repairing it until we get 100% repair events. That's what I used to do.
Though I do use my piano a lot more now since the Music Q update, so I'm really glad I bought a Music Partner. XD
They actually do include chairs I believe. All NPCs get 100% repair, and you repair chairs at Walter.