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Ovin's Buying/Selling list
IGN: Ovinnik, NMO on anything, will try to update as often as possible
Eluned Alchemist Outfit (F)
Eluned Royal Gym Teacher Outfit + shoes (F)
Night Witch Dress (F)
Illyasviel Coat (F)
Sailor One-Piece (F)
Adonis Wear (F) (3/2)
Trinity Wear (M) (4/3)
Elite School Uniform (M)
Count Cookie Suit (M)
William's Outfit
Enchanted Bride's Wig (F) (no veil)
Royal Princess Gauntlets
Tribal Bird Manual
Afternoon Tea Dye Set
HS Vales Torch
HS Tulip and Morning Glory Trellis Box (x2)
Fantasia Scooter Pet (NOT age 1 or level 200 sorry)
Be Careful of Icy Roads 2nd title coupon
Edern 2nd Title
Magic Academy Robe for Seniors (F)
Portia's Earrings? (Do they exist anywhere???)
b.o. 12m for Bride's Wig. I am interested in Butler's Suit (mind you not the one you get from your partner sorry I forgot to specify) but I don't have the gold for it at this moment in time.