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Freebies or [to take your mind off the apocalypse]
Thank you for the opportunity and hope the freebies go well
Hehe, thank you, Imaizumi !
It's so gooooooddd!!! I really appreciate you capturing this outfit's thematic so well again. It's super awesome
Thank you again for the freebie. Tons of love!! Looking forward to seeing the others as well if you're going to be doing them
Yes I plan to do others in order, with time gaps in-between.
Here you go
*little reference to Ponyo
Even though I was expecting that she is wearing her ballet flats, she looks pretty nice.
Thanks for the freebie.
Ah, but I say no high expectations. I thought bare feet on water felt more freeing, sorry about that.
You're welcome.
For future people, I usually take lots of liberties with outfit/personality in freebies. I understand, people get attached to their character's certainty, so if anyone is uncomfortable with that just warning you now.
And I will be tossing in a link to my references https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av4YtS4oKSUSoj6ewiA_8bZpbYfq?e=H4AdzN
I have em all there as I let people I commission choose which outfit they like to draw.
Hello, here is finished
Thank you so much, I love it! It's amazing, and I loved the theme you chose; it matches the outfit perfectly. I've never played Castlevania, but you're art is making me want to try it out now! -b
I was also wondering if you have an art shop open or if you just take commissions in general?
You're welcome, yes vampire hunter was first thing I thought of (plus Mabi have chainblade now !). I never play those newer ones but the music + art blew my mind when I was a kid.
I do have an art shop buried somewhere on forum, but it's currently closed (was Nao server exclusive). Might bump later (possibly months later) but idk sure yet.
What's your IGN ? I feel like you were blessed with artistic abilities.
Very beautiful art and looking forward to see more from you!