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A dayout

Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
Posts: 56
edited September 18, 2022 in General Chat

Strossvaron here, Just taking a break from hauling commerce goods across the world to enjoy a dayout at a concert hosted by Miserable, Vincennes, Skylanyte (Song Composer)and Nymphalii. I look forward the their next event but back to work for me, those commerce goods won't haul themselves across iria's deserts, snowfields and forests.


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859

    Strossvaron here, Just taking a break from hauling commerce goods across the world to enjoy a dayout at a concert hosted by Miserable, Vincennes, Skylanyte (Song Composer)and Nymphalii. I look forward the their next event but back to work for me, those commerce goods won't haul themselves across iria's deserts, snowfields and forests.

    I was there; it was fun! I normally don't wear headphones when I play Mab because I get ear aches after a while; I mean, come on, how can I NOT play on 11; am I right? So at first I couldn't hear the bass. When I put on headphones it sounded MUCH better. That made me realize: I mix my tunes while NOT wearing head phones, so folks hearing my mixes will have, perhaps, overly strong bass in them.

    Anyway, just as a heads-up, this is in the wrong forum and belongs in 'General Chat'. If you click on the little gear icon on the top left of the first post you can edit it. One of the editable fields is the forum it is located in. There you can switch it to 'General Chat'.

    Thanks for the post; good time had by all!
