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Homestead Items revamp

Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
Posts: 272
edited September 14, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
With the homestead update in Korea being in the works, I would like to suggest changes be made to the old default and old event objects to take up less space. A prime example is the grass and trees you can build by default being 3x3. not allowing anything around them whatsoever, versus the newer trees.
I am aware that there was an event version of some of these trees that were 1x1 called "harmonious x" but they were only available in very small quantities and I don't think event items are a viable solution to something that can just be fixed. The most egregious example of this in my opinion is the default cherry blossom trees compared to the newer ones- as seen here:
even the largest tree takes up less space than the default one. There are many 1x1 "versions" of an item that don't even use the same model such as the prairie grass vs wild grass,

Adding onto this, old event items such as the greenhouse seen here take up way more space than they look like they should:
Having bought this item from other players I was very disappointed in this, especially knowing it is not possible to add more homestead items around the side to make it blend in. Many older gacha items also have this issue. As someone who wants to and is willing to spend on homestead items, I would definitely like this to be adjusted.

I think it is fair with gathering nodes and the like, but the hs items that once had a somewhat "practical" use to justify them being that size have been powerscaled to heck and back. Just remove the bonuses and keep them as cosmetic only.
  1. Would you like older hs items to take up less space?7 votes
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    2. no
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  • ArcielliaArciellia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,630
    Posts: 123
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    This is a lovely idea - I know recently, a lot of our HS items don't take up much room at all, so this could really lead to some great creativity.
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    Thank you very much for commenting and hearing me out!
    While I was thinking about it, I had another concern that other players seem to share as well, something that wouldn't be too much trouble to implement- I think the sentiment of wanting maintenance fees removed for items mainly used for decoration is quite common.
    Because of the size homesteads can upgrade to now, people are filling their homestead more than ever with items. I think initially the fees were designed around having a small and more intimate space, but as things have gotten expansive and normal construction items have become largely irrelevant, one of the biggest reasons I find these items not being utilized is due to the fees.

    I find this true especially with a tree item like bamboo which is beautiful- on top of it being 3x3 as aforementioned, it has a whole homestead stone as a fee. For those who want to use it as a decoration item and stack many on top of each other, this cost becomes outrageous very quickly. The practical "benefit" of the item being that it increases the amount of nearby mana herbs gathered doesn't actually make any sense or pay off anymore due to phantasmal sight's existence. That being the case, I don't think the cost makes any sense.