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[Answered] I cannot go to Tir Na Nog anymore??

Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
Posts: 824
edited January 24, 2017 in Help
I know you have to click How to Reach Tir Na Nog keyword at Kristell's, but she doesn't give me the pass anymore. I finished G1 and can go there just fine before the Samhain event. During the Samhain event, I cannot go there. I thought it's because of the event, but now the event is over, I still can't go there??


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited January 21, 2017

    To get the pass from Kristell using the 'How to Reach Tir Na Nog' keyword, your character needs to be wearing a "Slayer" title.

    Titles like "the Golem Slayer" or "the Ogre Slayer" will work.
    An exception is "the Succubus Slayer" will not work.

    It was like this a very long time ago, and then they changed to it so you didn't need the titles, but then they changed it back semi-recently.
    [Deleted User]
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Thanks, using the title works, I'm confused why the title is needed when I can get the pass just fine without using the title before. I'm guessing semi-recently means during Samhain event then.
  • ShintarouShintarou
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 6
    edited January 22, 2017
    Did the way to get a pass change? I know it was use "How to reach Tir Na Nog" with kristell but it seems she doesn't give me the pass anymore. I've also tried with 2 other characters that have the keyword as well.
  • SutaruSutaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,715
    Posts: 157
    edited January 22, 2017
    I think if you have the title "The Golem Slayer" equipped and use the keyword on Kristell again it should work. I just recently was dealing with the same problem.

    Sorry I didnt see someone already replied XD
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    edited January 23, 2017
    Shintarou said:

    Did the way to get a pass change? I know it was use "How to reach Tir Na Nog" with kristell but it seems she doesn't give me the pass anymore. I've also tried with 2 other characters that have the keyword as well.
    Was the generation recently done? did you replay the generation? I know some people have their characters glitched at certain points and it can't be fixed since it's in the coding itself...I have no idea how.

    If you haven't redone G1 before the revamp you have to do it the way it was originally done. If you did complete G1 again recently then you can process with the method before. Sadly that's the way it's done...Not sure why...much like when skills get revamped via have to derank or finish the rank you currently are on then it fixes itself.
  • AeidrianneAeidrianne
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    edited January 24, 2017
    Has anyone happened to figure out how to get to Tir Na Nog after the update?

    I know that if someone is there I could hitch a ride via HS/butler carriage combo, but is there a way to get there independently (besides warp imp because I do not have a warp point set)?

    Ever since the last update, Kristell doesn't want to give me (or anyone it seems like) a pass to go there using the keyword.
  • KororeKorore
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 667
    edited January 24, 2017

    I believe you must equip a 'slayer' title, like Golem Slayer or Ogre Slayer, and then talk to her using the Keyword.

    Merging threads into help section!
  • YaoiMonkeiYaoiMonkei
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    Ive completed the gens, got the golem slayer title and still nothing. .. Please help :T
  • 암호암호
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 59
    You need to be above Lvl 25 again. It seems part of that quest reverted back to one of the old Pre-genesis requirements.
  • HoldHold
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 48
    I made it to Tir Na Nog for my gen 1 quest line and left after failing the Black Orb part and now I wanna get back but I don't know how to get another Black Fomor pass and the wiki is being pretty vauge on the issue. Anyone know how?
  • YokkaichiYokkaichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 323
    You have to talk to Kristell with the "How to Reach Tir Na Nog" keyword and she will give you a Formor pass to go through Barri dungeon which will get you back. Though, this is assuming it's your first time going through G1. If it's not, then you have to talk to her wearing a slayer title (all except for Succubus Slayer).
  • HoldHold
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 48
    Thanks being trying to get back there for awhile now.
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