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[ A thread in which for anyone to post screenshots of happy times! Feel free to post as many, but make sure you use no more then five per post as a limit marker! Thank you kindly and I hope to see some amazing memories! I'll post a bunch as well. ♥♥ ]
Me and my guildie Arm twinning it out! Hehe! We did this often, so I'm sure various pictures will include him and I being dorky twins in the future!
accursedgameMatching with my favorite NPC~
Bringherbackplease;;;;;;;;OMG! Get some rest! XD (but sounds like something I would do!)
Here's another pic from 2010 of my in game wedding. Can't believe I still have so many old screenies. Really brings back memories.
This is a lazy day pic of my son, his guildies and I just getting ready for a lesson, heheh! ♥
When I play fought my son and he put me on ice! Haha! I think I got the cold shoulder! ♥♥
My friend Pants and I zombie walking from Dunby to Dunby Gate! We had previously walked from Tara to Dunby as zombies! Quite an experience as we startled a few people! Haha. ♥
One of my proud days! The day I achieved master bard. ♥♥ I was so happy and felt proud. >w<
The Green Lord, on the left side! Ahaha! Got a picture of Exo, the tiny one, along with my friend Ale in the middle!