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-CLOSED- Kokone's Art Fundraiser
Hope everyones New Years went well~
Here are the changes~
I already finished the lineart for light.
Any other changes?
Also, the code worked~
Thank you for the tip! q.q
Dont forgot to choose your 5 raffle numbers/letters~
Glad the code worked, Light looks wonderful too. Her wings look off from my perspective. Want me to send a reference of the Azure Wing details to help?
As for Brave, I fudged up on my description. You were right in the change for Brave's footing but this is my fault, the leg that needed to be switched is reversed. For example, the first draft you had was great! We just need to have the far right leg in the picture extended but keep his other foot like you previously had if that makes sense x.x. The arm position is perfect and if you could have his eyes looking more towards the statue and Light near the end.
It is excellent right now Kokone so please continue to do your best.
Is this better?
Mhm, better. For the leg that is on the ground, want to make it a straight line, matching the line of the upper thighs? It will be as if he is coming to a halt but still turning his head. After that, everything should be good. Other than the eyes of where he is looking, you are golden. Like his eye of vision looking towards the goddess statue.
Once again sorry for all the minor details ; _ ; *bows before your majestic art*
Hopefully this should do it
If the eyes are still off; Ill fix them in the lineart.
And dont worry about the changes; I want you to be fully satisfied with the piece~ ^^
perfect! Everything is good now. Go, and let the art flow through you~
Or this~
Not sure if it's alright for me to put you on the spotlight, but I wanted to say HBD and I hope you have a wonderful day. (^_^)/ ♪
Im so sorry for the wait; had to stay at a friends house for the past couple of weeks
because of the bad weather and had a short trip to the hospital. x.x;
Anyways, heres the lineart~
Ill add the statue in the finished piece.
Just to make sure, you dont want the statue to not touch them at all?
Otherwise, any other changes? o3o
Ill try to have the finished piece done by the 17th.
Im planning on not going to have the CGSE service after all sadly, due to my health problems. v.v
If you still want me to cancel your reservation, let me know. ^^
Thanks for the B-day wishes~ ^^
Happy Lunar New Year!
No need to be sorry at all. As long as you are ok and staying healthy when you can. Continue to get better and know that we do worry for you.
As for the statue, you are right about it not touching either of them.
I love how you did Brave's wings, its amazing. For Light's wings, can you make the feathers a bit more natural? For example on Brave's wings you have them spread and going a bit outward which makes it look very appealing. The same treatment would really make Light's wings stick out the same way as Brave's wings.
*Extra 2*
I wanted to ask your opinion for Brave. Its so amazing but the more I look at it, should we show his other arm extended and open handed? That way the piece looks even better, but thats just my opinion. If you agree then lets go ahead and add it. If not continue onward with the masterpiece that is slowly coming together.
I am honestly excited to see this piece finished because this will be another piece to add to your drawing collection. However like i mentioned above, keep up your healthy, safety first, and do what you can. I can continue to wait patiently because art like this should not be rushed especially if you want to have fun drawing it. Thanks again Kokone ^__^
Is this better?
I deeply apologize for the very late reply.
I was going to post this earlier, but wasn't feeling well mentally due to a new medication's side effects.
Also, had very bad weather for the past several weeks.
As an update, my bff was able to get me a pair of white angels that fell within my current amount.
As a result, I'm going to close commissions; I might be continue doing commissions in the future, but well see.
Thank you everyone that has helped contributed to this goal!
Heres the finished piece~
Any last minute changes?
If not, thanks for commissioning me again! o3o/
Also, dont forgot to choose your 5 raffle numbers/letters~
Its been a while, let me know if youre still interested~
Ill try to have the lineart finished by the 24th.
Let me know where it is more convenient for you to see the WIP!
Everything looks wonderful, thank you so much for doing this commission for me. As for the numbers uh, lets see...
Z59,M23,B13, T19,L18
btw grats on making your goal
I apologize once again for disappearing all of a sudden. Unexpected things came up, so I hope you all can understand.
I got sick twice, back to back. x.x
I also had to spend some time in the hospital, since my new medication was making me hallucinate every so often.
I still have to take several more trips to there in the months ahead, so that they can prescribe me a better medicine.
I apologize in advance for the long wait. V.V
I hope youre doing well. ^^
Heres the lineart~
Let me know if anything needs changes. o:
Ill add the rest of the details in the finished piece.
Im not sure exactly when I will finish it, but the goal is before June. o3o
Sorry, I just wanted to see if you still wanted to commission me, since I made you wait for so long. ^^;
I can talk with you on either skype or discord; though I would have to make a discord, but Im fine with it if that is easier for you. o3o
Let me know what days and times you are available specifically; Im on at off times, so I want to make the time for you. ^^
I also answered your question via forum pm.
Also, can you choose another number/letter for the raffle?
You have chosen L18 already. o:
Thanks for keeping in touch with this thread! ^^